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Inner Nous Tarot Marseille Edition

Inner Nous Tarot Marseille Edition

This deck is based on the Conver/CBD Tarot de Marseille. I have traced the outlines and then coloured in the cards myself. To make it even more my own, I have added some purple to every card to the deck and changed some colours on some of the cards (as well as some corrections). You may notice a slightly dirty look in the background of the cards, that is because I have created my own old looking paper...   [click here for more]
Igor Chuprov  $30.00

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Le Nouveau Marseille Tarot

Le Nouveau Marseille Tarot

Le Nouveau Marseille Tarot is a fresh take on the classic Conver-style deck. All the artwork has been retraced and recoloured, giving it a modern feel while still staying true to the original. Plus, I’ve removed the borders, so the cards feel more open and inviting. Feel free to let me know if this has helped with your readings! I'd be very curious to find out. Along with the 78 traditional cards,...   [click here for more]
Igor Chuprov  $34.00

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Tarot of Shakespearean Insults

Tarot of Shakespearean Insults

The Tarot of Shakespearean Insults is a deck of insults from various plays written by Shakespeare, as inspired by Hogarth during his HoGaLe collaboration on his YouTube channel.  The tarot association is loose and should not be considered an accurate assocation. Please note, this deck is intended for fun and light hearted use. So remember to have fun! If you are interested...   [click here for more]
Igor Chuprov  $30.00

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