This deck contains the 23 event cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
There are also other decks on sale on this site with 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards. ... [click here for more]
This deck contains the 30 monster cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book, and will even let you replay the scenarios with a variety of opponents.
Make sure you also buy the event cards, the potion cards, and the spell cards. ... [click here for more]
This deck contains the 8 potion cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book.
There are 23 event cards, 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards in the game. Make sure you order all decks. ... [click here for more]
This deck contains the 16 spell cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book and provide more spells than a magic user will learn in a whole campaign.
There are 23 event cards, 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards in the game. Make sure you order all decks.... [click here for more]
This is a 12x18" black-and-white poster containing all the tiles (rooms and corridors) for Ganesha Games' Four Against Darkness. The poster is a handy reference to quickly generate random dungeons. Just add 2d6, graph paper and a pencil Roll d6 to determine a starting room, and then d66 every time you discover a new tile by opening a door or going through an opening.
Tile art by Riccardo Santangelo.... [click here for more]
This is a 11 x 18 inches, color poster to be used as a board for Four Against Mars. It reproduces a town with 20 numbered locations. These are the 20 default locations used in the rulebook. You may lay the poster flat on the table and use a counter or miniatures to mark the position of your team. ... [click here for more]
This 34 card deck includes the following cards for Sellswords & Spellslingers Solo/Coop miniatures game:
POTIONS: Chaosbane, Elfblood Ointment
MUTATIONS: Bat Ears, Cloud of Flies, Dragon Gland, The Evil Eye, Extra Arms, Extra Head, Tentacle Arms, Venom
USEFUL ITEMS: Amulet against poison, fresh garlic, talisman against the evil... [click here for more]
The Tunnels of Kendras is an adventure in three parts for Four Against Darkness, for characters of level 3+. The text of the adventure is printed on three 12x18 color posters.
Your party has found an incomplete map and is tasked with mapping an underground complex and retrieving as much information as possible about the race of giants that originally inhabited the tunnels. But what... [click here for more]