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ESP Cards (Color Deck)

ESP Cards (Color Deck)

These cards are based on the pattern develped by psychologists Karl Zener and J.B. Rhine at Duke University in the 1930s. They were designed as a method of testing subjects for extrasensory perception (ESP) and have been used in exercises to help develop potential psychic abilities for decades. The deck includes a QR link to download instructions which describe four different methods for using the...   [click here for more]
Occult Systems  $7.39

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ESP Cards (Print & Play)

ESP Cards (Print & Play)

These cards are based on the pattern develped by psychologists Karl Zener and J.B. Rhine at Duke University in the 1930s. They were designed as a method of testing subjects for extrasensory perception (ESP) and have been used in exercises to help develop potential psychic abilities for decades. Four different methods for using the cards are included in the PDF. Simply print and cut out the cards and...   [click here for more]
Occult Systems  $1.49

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Tarot BINGO (Deluxe Full-Color Cards)

Tarot BINGO (Deluxe Full-Color Cards)

Tarot BINGO is a fun and unusual form of picture BINGO using classic Tarot images. The game uses the 22 trumps of the Major Arcana along with the honors (aces and court cards) from each of the four suits arranged in a unique 4x4 matrix on each BINGO card. The images used for the cards are from the well-known Waite-Smith Tarot, but you can use virtually any Tarot deck to call the BINGO games. The...   [click here for more]
Occult Systems  $14.99

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Tarot BINGO (Print & Play)

Tarot BINGO (Print & Play)

Tarot BINGO is a fun and unusual form of picture BINGO using classic Tarot images. The game uses the 22 trumps of the Major Arcana along with the honors (aces and court cards) from each of the four suits arranged in a unique 4x4 matrix on each BINGO card. The images used for the cards are from the well-known Waite-Smith Tarot, but you can use virtually any Tarot deck to call the BINGO games. The...   [click here for more]
Occult Systems  $3.99

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