The land of Corel was once a vibrant kingdom, but that was before the traitor mage Istar usurped the king using the power of a Spirit Jewel and took the throne for himself. Now the land is plagued with darkness as his Imperial Army and blood rituals scour the land in search of more.There is hope however. A small Rebel Faction operating out of the forest and led by Princess... [click here for more]
A cruel and powerful mage who has managed to use the power of a Spirit Jewel to split the veil and summon powerful Demons to his cause, Istar is a man of unrivalled ambition. Aided by the traitor-general Thanas and his own dark priests at the head of a devoted army of trained soldiers.Empire decks specialise in Event Cards and can Promote their low-level Soldiers into more... [click here for more]
Based in the forest of the Nutmen, Princess Flick leads a select band of loyallists and home-grown denizens of the woodland into battle. At her side the hero Knave offers a strong right hand and the guardians of the forest offer her their council.The Rebel Faction specialises is the use of Equip Cards which can quickly turn unassuming characters into powerful Front Row warriors.... [click here for more]