It is raining! And the kids want to play dodge ball... But that Ming vase seems a bit precariously placed for such indoor rowdiness. The solution is "Dodge Ball", the card of… well, dodge ball.
Each person playing the game is the "Coach" of a three-player dodge ball team.
Each player has a score for the three essential skills of Dodge Ball; Dodge, Catch, and Hit.... [click here for more]
It is raining! And the kids want to play tag... But that Ming vase seems a bit precariously placed for such indoor rowdiness. The solution is "TAG! You're IT", the card of… well, tag.
Players secretly pass cards t other players, attempting to sluff off the IT card. The IT card can be avoided, by use of the Dodge card. Quick to learn and fun to play.
One card is marked IT, some... [click here for more]