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 Hottest Fantasy from Small Box Games
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Banks of The Styx | Omen Game 2

Banks of The Styx | Omen Game 2

You may be the greatest hero the isles have ever seen: your cunning unmatched; your ingenuity unfailing; your leadership unquestioned. You have no equal... aside from your sibling. As half-god children of the Olympians, the deathless have posed a contest to determine the greatest of their mortal offspring: sack three cities where the gods have hidden powerful Kraters, each infused...   [click here for more]
Small Box Games  $13.00

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Songs of Far Shores | Omen Game 1

Songs of Far Shores | Omen Game 1

You may be the greatest hero the isles have ever seen: your cunning unmatched; your ingenuity unfailing; your leadership unquestioned. You have no equal... aside from your sibling. As half-god children of the Olympians, the deathless have posed a contest to determine the greatest of their mortal offspring: sack three cities where the gods have hidden powerful Kraters, each infused...   [click here for more]
Small Box Games  $13.00

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Whispers of The Muse | Omen Game 3

Whispers of The Muse | Omen Game 3

You may be the greatest hero the isles have ever seen: your cunning unmatched; your ingenuity unfailing; your leadership unquestioned. You have no equal... aside from your sibling. As half-god children of the Olympians, the deathless have posed a contest to determine the greatest of their mortal offspring: sack three cities where the gods have hidden powerful Kraters, each infused...   [click here for more]
Small Box Games  $13.00

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