The Floating Vagabond is the hangout of choice for heroes, good guys, and... all right, lets be honest here: the titles for these things are chosen sometimes months ahead of time, before we even know who's going to be in the set. Calling some of these folks “good guys” is a bit of a stretch. In fact, with the exception of Ms. Missile, they all have warrants... [click here for more]
Yes, Caution Guy, the champion of the ill-prepared, finally has his own miniatures set! And not only does this set feature 21 all-new figures, but it includes both the largest and the smallest miniatures yet to be seen in a Build-a-Brawl set (as well as the least detailed art)!. The easily imitable artwork of Lee Garvin serves to launch this set into mediocrity.
Included in this set are:... [click here for more]