Games by Play Date is pleased to present (Cosplay) a competitive drafting card game. In (Cosplay) each player assembles a trio of cosplayers, selecting their costume source , theme and attitude and hoping that the right combination of costume and convention will earn them the attention of the photographers.
We’ve attempted to combine the tableau building from 7 Wonders... [click here for more]
2-4 players | 20 Minutes
Drunk Uncles is a push your luck game of saying stupid things in mixed company. Two to four players must avoid the negative opinions of their family while collecting as many points as their alcohol tolerance allows.
As a Drunk Uncle it is your solemn duty out drink your fellow uncles and air as many ill-thought-out grievances about the world as possible... [click here for more]
Oh no! A snowmobile has flipped over and pinned a frightened snow mobile enthusiast underneath! Oh well, wolves gotta eat.
This game is basically the end of the novel White Fang
Each year snowmobile accidents produce approximately 200 deaths and 14,000 injuries. Excess speed, alcohol, driver inexperience, and poor judgment are the leading... [click here for more]
3-5 players | 3-4 Hours
Hearts Blazing is a collaborative, episodic, deck-driven RPG of speculative fiction love and conflict.
After collaboratively generating a speculative fiction setting, players take on the roles of dynamic but recognizable archetypes with hidden motivations. They draw from a randomized deck of “episodes” which prompt collaborative narration RPG scenes... [click here for more]
All is fair in love and card-based party games!
This 2015 Nerdlesque expansion pack for slash: romance without boundaries adds 40 new and alluring characters to the love-making mix (plus 5 bonus blanks for your editing enjoyment). Martian rockstars, canadian clones and wrestling legends are among the cast of characters you can bring to your improv fanfiction storytelling.... [click here for more]
All is fair in love and card-based party games!
This 2015 GeekGirlCon expansion pack for slash: romance without boundaries adds 40 new and alluring characters to the love-making mix (plus 5 bonus blanks for your editing enjoyment). Xenomorphs, Dr. Watson and the classic android Maria are among the cast of characters you can bring to your improv fanfiction storytelling.
This... [click here for more]
All is fair in love and card-based party games!
This 2015 PAX East PAXspansion pack for slash: romance without boundaries adds 45 geeky gaming characters to the love-making mix (plus 5 bonus blanks for your editing enjoyment). Terrible Teenage Poets, Gary Gygax and a $20,000 gaming table are among the cast of characters you can bring to your improv fanfiction storytelling.... [click here for more]