This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Eerie Eric Fargiorgio
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyfe
Matt Harris
Nate Lovett
Matthew Pogues! Metzger
Cline A. Seigenthaler
Jamie Snell
Trent Troop
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more]
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Cowboy on Large Jackalope – Animal Whisperer, Mercenary
Jackalope – Saboteur, Cryptids
Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Cryptids
Large Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Cryptids
Large Serum Z Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Zombies
Marshal on Large Jackalope – Kaiju Hunter, Special... [click here for more]
This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Butch Adams
Clint Basinger
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyke
Matt Harris
Daniel Hartzler
Nate Lovett
Matthew Pogues! Metzger
Jamie Snell
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more]
This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Clint Basinger
Jay Fife
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyke
Daniel Hartzler
Nate Lovett
JB Roe
Al Sirois
Jamie Snell
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more]
This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Butch Adams
George Coghill
Eerie Eric Fargiorgio
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyke
Matt Harris
Daniel Hartzler
Nate Lovett
Jamie Snell
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more]
This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Clint Basinger
Aayla Borgman
Kaylee Borgman
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyke
Daniel Hartzler
Nate Lovett
JB Roe
Jamie Snell
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more]