Title |
Publisher |
Price |
Mothman Promo Card ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Pay What You Want
Sheepsquatch Promo Card ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck features artwork by the following artists:
Eerie Eric Fargiorgio
Andy Finkle
Rodney Fyfe
Matt Harris
Nate Lovett
Matthew Pogues! Metzger
Cline A. Seigenthaler
Jamie Snell
Trent Troop
Card layout by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD-SDJOES1 * Released June 16, 2020
Kaiju Kaos – SDJOES Stat Cards, Set 01: Named Characters
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters...
Special Mission Force:
Grand Slam, Jet Pack Specialist
Grunt, Support Specialist
LOBAT, Little Offensive Battle Tank
Steeler, LOBAT Pilot
Playable Terrain:
Diminutive Fuel Cans
Fuel Drums
Portable Burst Weapon:
Mini Howitzer
Requires... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Kaiju Kaos – Sinister Scarecrows Stat Cards, Set 01
30 Named Characters including:
16... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Kaiju Kaos – Special Mission Force Stat Cards, Set 01: Named Characters
Featuring 27 new and revised stat cards for the heroic Special Mission Force!
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters...
Special Mission Force:
General Drake
Line Drive
Marshal Rawhide
Scarlet Huntress
SMF Soldier
Super... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Kaiju Kaos – Special Mission Force Stat Cards, Set 02: Army Builders
Featuring 27 new and revised stat cards for the heroic Special Mission Force!
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following "grunts"...
Special Mission Force:
7 different unnamed soldiers in Arm-1 Battle Dress Uniform
7 different unnamed soldiers in Arm-2 Light Armor
6 different... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
In the early card sets, I was not including information such as Armor 0 or Armor 1 on the Stat Cards because it’s not relevant to regular game play. This has recently changed with new Gear and Weapon upgrades becoming available in recent card sets. The older cards are not wrong, per se, they are just missing some information now necessary for upgrading during game play (particularly in Campaigns).... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD924 Kaiju Kaos – Wicked Werewolves Stat Sheets, Vol. 01
Featuring 20 new and revised stat sheets for the villainous Wicked Werewolves, including Beastly Wolfen, Dire Wolves, Wargs, and more!
Requires BRCSD901: Kaiju Kaos - The Miniatures Game (2011 Bailey Records).
Beastly Wolfen, Martial Artist
Beastly Wolfen, Melee Combat Specialist
Beastly Wolfen, Melee Combat Trooper
Beastly... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Mant-Axe - Saboteur, Beng-Arii Syndicate
Ursenal - Support Officer 1, Special Mission Force
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following weapons:
45K PSI Jaws-of-Life - Melee Weapon
Ionic Shock Hammer (BW2) - Melee Weapon
Serrator Axe - Melee Weapon
Steel Rending Combat Claw - Melee... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Sea-Labrys - Sharpshooter, Special Mission Force
Solarbear - Support Specialist, Special Mission Force
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following weapons:
Inferno Hammer (BW2) - Melee Weapon
Solar Labrys - Melee Weapon
UV Saber Knuckles (BW1) - Melee Weapon
Flare Blaster (BW2)... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Bearium - Suport Specialist, Beng-Arii Syndicate
Gamma-Ray - Sharpshooter, Beng-Arii Syndicate
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following weapons:
Barium Claw - Melee Weapon
Depleted Uranium War-Pick - Melee Weapon
Polonium Pounder (BW2) - Melee Weapon
Trash Compactor - Melee... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains 1 Collectible Trading Card (#14):
Krampus - Saboteur, Cryptids
... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Collectible Trading Cards for the following characters:
Ro-Mon XJ-2
Characters by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos), artwork by Joseph Whiteford ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Cowboy on Large Jackalope – Animal Whisperer, Mercenary
Jackalope – Saboteur, Cryptids
Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Cryptids
Large Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Cryptids
Large Serum Z Jackalope – Scout Specialist, Zombies
Marshal on Large Jackalope – Kaiju Hunter, Special... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Slow-Moving Serum Z Zombie - Melee Combatant, Zombies
Cultist of R'lyeh - Saboteur, Eldritch Horrors
Slow-Moving Skeleton - Ambush Specialist, Forces of Decay (Merc)
Pumpkin Muncher - Saboteur, Sinister Scarecrows
Wicked Werewolf - Brawler, Wicked Werewolves
Wicked Werewolf - Human Alt-Form, Wicked Werewolves
Giant Chinese Dragon... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Serum Z Werewolf – Melee Combatant, Zombies
Serum Z Werewolf – Human Alt-Form, Zombies
Cyber-Reaver – Cluster Light Rifle Specialist, Beng-Arii Syndicate
Kelpie – Saboteur, Mercenaries
Kelpie – Mermaid Alt-Form, Mercenaries
Wicked Werewolf – Assassin, Wicked Werewolves
Wicked Werewolf – Human... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Jikininki - Saboteur, Mercenary (Supernatural Kaijin)
Giant Dire Bat - Ambush Specialist, Creatures of Kaos Island (Living Kaijin)
Sinister Scarecrow - Sharpshooter, Sinister Scarecrows (Non-Living Kaijin)
Wicked Werewolf - Reconnaissance, Wicked Werewolves (Living Kaijin)
Wicked Werewolf - Human Alt-Form, WIcked Werewolves (Living... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
An’gwarr, People Eater Leader
Bothrea, Tentacle Monster
Cornan, Coblin Leader
Cryos, Support Specialist
Giant Ice Worm, Burrower
Giant Purple Worm, Burrower
Gourdzilla, Spirit of Halloween
Kodama, Weed Monster
Kongo, Lord of Kaos Island
Oriomnizoa, Pestilence Monster
Ragnarokk, Rokk Monster Leader
Rokkjaw, Saboteur
Scarlet... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Attack Track – Kaiju Hunter Vehicle
Battle Fist - Brawler
Goddess of Edin - Nature Goddess & Heroic Trainer
Guardian of Edin - Bodyguard
Guardian of Edin - Brawler
Guardian of Edin - Kaiju Hunter
Guardian of Edin - Sharpshooter
Lookout - Reconnaissance
Templar of Edin - Brawler
Templar of Edin - Sharpshooter
Twistor... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Galaxxor – Cosmic Supernova Robo, Special Mission Force
Galaxxor 001 – Monster Hunter Robo, Special Mission Force
Galaxxor 007 – Monster Hunter Robo, Special Mission Force
Infernicus – Cyborg Space Barbarian, Beng-Arii Syndicate
Lord Gorgax – Cosmic Supernova Villain, Beng-Arii Syndicate... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Blue Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean Terror, Mercenary
Green Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean Terror, Mercenary
Orange Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean Terror, Mercenary
Purple Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean Terror, Mercenary
Red Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean Terror, Mercenary
Yellow Gelatinous Cube – Subterranean... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Al-Tar the Powerful – Guardians of Edin Leader
Jescha the Bold – Templar Commander
Khloris the Grassman – Plant Whisperer
Khloris the Grassman – Orchid Titan Alt-Form
Khloris the Grassman – Swamp Shambler Alt-Form
Norko the Mage – Enchanter
Power Cat – Kaiju Hunter
Wayland... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Crasher – Brawler
Enchantress of Edin – Guardian of Edin
Enchantress of Edin – Falcon Alt-Form
Man-ipulator – Infiltration Specialist
Man-ipulator – Kaiju Alt-Form
Man-ipulator – Robot Alt-Form
Sutoratosa – Scout Specialist
Warlander – Heroic Armored War Horse
THE... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Attack Track – Kaiju Hunter Vehicle
Battle Fist - Brawler
Goddess of Edin - Nature Goddess & Heroic Trainer
Guardian of Edin - Bodyguard
Guardian of Edin - Brawler
Guardian of Edin - Kaiju Hunter
Guardian of Edin - Sharpshooter
Lookout - Reconnaissance
Templar of Edin - Brawler
Templar of Edin - Sharpshooter
Twistor... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD973 – Kaiju Kaos: Holiday Horrors, Jingle Bells
A short story by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos).
Holiday Horrors, Jingle Bells is a brief tale about Krampus and Raven Beng. This is a stand-alone short story that takes place within the greather mythology of Kaiju Kaos.
In addition to the 3-page story, official Kaiju... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
In 2011, Dr. Kaos released Serum Z inside his abandoned laboratory in California. He then took sanctuary in his new facilities on Kaos Island in the South Atlantic. Prior to leaving CA, Dr. Kaos was working on various Top Secret projects for both the government and private investors – whomever was willing to pay the most. His projects ranged from new armor and weaponry to cybernetics to human... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Introducing the Kaos Deck and a whole new way to play the game! 52 cards specially designed to bring a new level of uncertainty to 2-player games while also providing structure for solo play.
“The point is not to win the game... but to bring the KAOS!”
Kaos Deck requires Kaiju Kaos – The Miniatures Game by Bailey Records. Kaos Deck by Bryan K. Borgman and T. William Cory. Edited by J. Hunter... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Minerva Monster – Assassin, Cryptids (Mercenary)
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Minerva Monster photo by Bryan K. Borgman (card #18)
... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Pay What You Want
Kaiju Kaos: Non-Powered Battle Armor Stat Cards, Set 01
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Beng-Arii Syndicate: 8 different unnamed soldiers in Arm-3 Non-Powered Battle Armor
Beng-Arii Syndicate – Hades Squad: 8 different named soldiers in Arm-3 Non-Powered Battle Armor
Special Mission Force: 8 different unnamed soldiers in Arm-3 Non-Powered... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Crawdad Kid – Saboteur, Mercenary
King Castor – Saboteur, Mercenary
Multiskull – Brawler, Forces of Decay
Phantom Outhouse – Sharpshooter, Mercenary
Stroll – Saboteur, Cryptids
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
AnCon Annie by Clint Basinger (card #6)
... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Cry-Borg – Support Specialist, Mercenary
Cuddlehard – Brawler, Mercenary
Grimm Gourd – Brawler, Sinister Scarecrows
Puke Knight – Templar, Mercenary
Shirtle – Brawler, Eldritch Horrors
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Dr. Kaos by Clint Basinger (card... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Barbarianaut – Scout Specialist, Mercenary
Dr. Decay – Saboteur, Forces of Decay
Fruit Punch – Brawler, Mercenary
Pugnacious – Brawler, Mercenary
TenCan – Sharpshooter, Eldritch Horrors
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Eldritch Horrors by Clint Basinger... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Bullseye – Sharpshooter, Mercenary
Fossil Freak – Brawler, Forces of Decay
The Siren – Charmer, Cryptids
Tree Witched – Scout Specialist, Everfolk
Wooly Wisp – Brawler, Cryptids
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Sinister Scarecrows by Clint Basinger (card... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
In its original form during the Medieval period of European warfare, an Order of Battle was the order in which troops were positioned relative to the position of the army commander.
In modern use, the Order of Battle (OOB, O/B, OB, or ORBAT) of an armed force participating in a military operation or campaign shows the hierarchical organization, command structure, strength, disposition of personnel,... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Baby Deadbeet – Kaiju Hunter, Mercenary
Brainwaves – Possessor, Anconian Confederation
Brocotal – Scout Scpecialist, Everfolk
Mini Gwin – Hacker 3, Mercenary
3DRetro Robot – Support Specialist, Mercenary
Toy Break Announcer – Possessor, Mercenary
Zombie Pheyden –... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Grey Alien – Reconnaissance, Cryptids
Grey Alien – Saboteur, Cryptids
Grey Alien – Sharpshooter, Cryptids
Large Bat – Ambush Specialist, Creatures of Kaos Island
Large Bat – Reconnaissance, Creatures of Kaos Island
Large Bat – Scout Specialist, Creatures of Kaos Island... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Kitsune – Infiltration Specialist, Mercenary
Kitsune – Human Alt-Form, Mercenary
Large Fox – Ambush Specialist, Creatures of Kaos Island
Large Fox – Reconnaissance, Creatures of Kaos Island
Large Fox – Scout Specialist, Creatures of Kaos Island
Large Penguin – Saboteur,... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Bal Kharn – Brawler, Everfolk
Rhino Warrior – Scout Specialist, Everfolk
Rhino Warrior – Support Specialist, Everfolk
Cahriv – Saboteur, Insectiens
Scorpion Warrior – Scout Specialist, Insectiens
Scorpion Warrior – Support Specialist, Insectiens
Gaamik – Saboteur,... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
* Original release date: October 11, 2016 * Revised November 27, 2019 *
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Anconian Robot – Scout Specialist, Anconian Confederation
Anconian Robot – Support Specialist, Anconian Confederation
Beng-Arii Robot – Reconnaissance, Beng-Arii Syndicate
Beng-Arii Robot – Support Specialist, Beng-Aii... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Grey Ooze - Scout Specialist, Mercenary
Mire - Blue Ooze Monster of Multiplicity, Mercenary
Mire - Green Ooze Monster of Multiplicity, Mercenary
Mire - Orange Ooze Monster of Multiplicity, Mercenary
Mire - Purple Ooze Monster of Multiplicity, Mercenary
Mire - Red Ooze Monster of Multiplicity, Mercenary
Mire - Yellow Ooze Monster of Multiplicity,... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD953 – Kaiju Kaos: Smackdown (rules)
This is the complete rulebook for playing Kaiju Kaos: Smackdown.
The modern world as we know it ceased to exist in 2003 when the Rift, a mysterious tear in the space-time continuum, opened up and Hell itself spewed forth onto planet Earth. Long-dormant arcane powers and abilities once believed to be myth suddenly manifested... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This poster / checklist features the following characters:
Atticus – Saboteur, Wicked Werewolves
Bokrsat – Brawler, Eldritch Horrors
Clawgrugg – Martial Artist, Mercenary
Cryos – Support Specialist, Everfolk
Earwig – Scout Specialist, Insectiens
Flatwoods Monster – Sharpshooter, Cryptids
Gordon – Scout Specialist, Sinister... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Atticus – Saboteur, Wicked Werewolves
Atticus – Human Alt-Form, Wicked Werewolves
Bokrsat – Brawler, Eldritch Horrors
Clawgrugg – Martial Artist, Mercenary
Cryos – Support Specialist, Everfolk
Earwig – Scout Specialist, Insectiens
Flatwoods Monster – Sharpshooter,... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD955 – Kaiju Kaos: Smackdown Stat Card, Set 02
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Akheron – Melee Combatant, Anconian Confederation
Bigfoot – Saboteur, Cryptids
Brickhaus – Brawler, Special Mission Force
Brit’tt – Support Specialist, Anconian Confederation
Daryl – Support Specialist, Zombies... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Large Owl – Ambush Specialist
Large Owl – Saboteur
Large Owl – Scout Specialist
Leprechaun – Ambush Specialist
Leprechaun – Reconnaissance
Leprechaun – Saboteur
Leprechaun on Large Owl – Animal Whisperer
Animal... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Necrolossus – Martial Artist, Mercenary
ShoguNasty – Saboteur, Mercenary
Sunobite – Assassin, Mercenary
Tug-O-War – Brawler, Mercenary
This deck contains a Stat Card for the following weapon:
Corrosion – Special Weapon Option
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD962 – Kaiju Kaos: Tales of Kaos, Volume 1
Short Stories by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos)
The modern world as we know it ceased to exist in 2003 when the Rift, a mysterious tear in the space-time continuum, opened up and Hell itself spewed forth onto planet Earth. Long-dormant arcane powers and abilities once believed to be myth suddenly manifested in unsuspecting hosts, while those... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
$4.99 $2.99
BRCSD963 – Kaiju Kaos: Tales of Kaos, Volume 2
A short story fiction anthology by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos).
The modern world as we know it ceased to exist in 2003 when the Rift, a mysterious tear in the space-time continuum, opened up and Hell itself spewed forth onto planet Earth. Long-dormant arcane powers and abilities once believed to be myth suddenly manifested in unsuspecting... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
BRCSD901 – Kaiju Kaos: The Miniatures Game
Official Rule Book by Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos).
Welcome to 2015 The modern world as we know it ceased to exist in 2003 when the Rift, a mysterious tear in the space-time continuum, opened up and Hell itself spewed forth onto planet Earth. Long-dormant arcane powers and abilities once believed to be myth suddenly manifested in unsuspecting... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |