This special bundle product contains the following titles.The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0Regular price: $7.75 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Print-and-Play PDF BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@-
With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete... [click here for more]
"The sun beats down on the arena and a lively fanfare plays, which signals the beginning of the contest. Two Knights stare each other down through the slits in the visors of their helmets as their horses impatiently stomp the ground. Everyone in attendance eagerly awaits the start of the Joust. The King rises and raises his goblet of wine ready to address the crowd..."
An easy to... [click here for more]
More Characters! for you to add your collection, and/or to enhance your Characters! experience!
36 Collector Cards. (Numbered 31 - 66)
Some cards will only be around for a limited time.
You MUST HAVE the Characters! game to use this supplement. ... [click here for more]
A handy dual (duel?) purpose set of Tables that can be either a “Combat Resolution/Hit Table”, or a game all by itself.
Grab a glove, strike your opponent across the face with it, and challenge them to a duel! ?...!...? ...Ok, not really. Don't be an ass...
This can also be used as entertainment during... [click here for more]
My friends, your primary objective in this game is to achieve... nothing! ...and make sure to be the first to do so!
The pressure is off, so relax and have fun with this game.
What do you pay? NØthing!
Enjoy! ... [click here for more]