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The Complete S*H*L Experience [BUNDLE]

The Complete S*H*L Experience [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0 Regular price: $7.75 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Print-and-Play PDF BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $19.69 $15.00

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The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0

The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0

BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete with real-like statistical records.  Each individual card represents one 20-minute period of play. Flip three cards over and you've got yourself a hockey game! Play games using...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $10.75 $7.75

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The Statistical Hockey League - Advanced Edition 2.0

The Statistical Hockey League - Advanced Edition 2.0

BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- You will first need The Statistical Hockey League Basic Edition 1.0 in order to make any sense out of these guidelines. A few years ago, I was really looking forward to creating an Advanced Edition of The S*H*L. Well, life kind of got in the way, but I do have a few...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $11.00 $8.75

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Welcome to the game of “Characters!” where encounters between different people are just as fun and interesting as the cast of “Characters!” themselves! If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if certain types of people interacted with others, then this is the game for you! Compare Character Attributes in a number of different ways to see who wins the Encounter. Several ways to play!...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $10.00

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Characters! People Pack #1

Characters! People Pack #1

More Characters! for you to add your collection, and/or to enhance your Characters! experience!  36 Collector Cards. (Numbered 31 - 66)  Some cards will only be around for a limited time. You MUST HAVE the Characters! game to use this supplement. ...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $7.50 $5.00

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Sword Duel

Sword Duel

BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- A handy dual (duel?) purpose set of Tables that can be either a “Combat Resolution/Hit Table”, or a game all by itself. Grab a glove, strike your opponent across the face with it, and challenge them to a duel! ?...!...? ...Ok, not really. Don't be an ass... This can also be used as entertainment during...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $7.50 $5.00

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The Game 0f N0thing

The Game 0f N0thing

My friends, your primary objective in this game is to achieve... nothing! ...and make sure to be the first to do so! The pressure is off, so relax and have fun with this game.  What do you pay? NØthing! Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
mjhGames   FREE 

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The Statistical Hockey League - "Look-See" Edition

The Statistical Hockey League - "Look-See" Edition

Welcome The S*H*L’s “Look-See” Edition. This will give you a little taste of how the "The S*H*L Basic Edition 1.0" is played. Included in this edition will be an FAQ, a brief card description, a sample of the card formula itself, and recorded stats from playing the game. ...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  Pay What You Want

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The SHL - 50 Teams Mega-Pack - EM-06

The SHL - 50 Teams Mega-Pack - EM-06

For use with "The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0" or later. All five ready-made Team Packs conveniently combined into one listing. 50 teams to choose from!!! ...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  $7.50 $5.00

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The SHL - Box Score / Roster Sheet

The SHL - Box Score / Roster Sheet

For use with "The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0" or later. Box score sheets to record your game results, and roster sheets to more easily identify the players competing. ...   [click here for more]
mjhGames  Pay What You Want

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