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15k Skirmish Scenarios Deck

15k Skirmish Scenarios Deck

This deck of cards can be used along with any skirmish game out there:  Select or draw 3 mission cards, bid different amounts of victory points on each mission to stress on the importance of the different parts of a scenario and thus get over 15000 unique scenarios for your skirmish games. A small preview (for a better preview, hit the preview link above): Want to learn more? Check out CatZeyeS...   [click here for more]
CatZeyeS Entertainment  $0.99

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Das Wars

Das Wars

On the distant planet DA the cube shaped inhabitants wage war over the last ressources. You are a commander pitting your troops against your opponent‘s troops in a combat that is going to be fair and square. Whoever destroys his opponent‘s factory wins the war over the ressources located within this area! ...   [click here for more]
CatZeyeS Entertainment  $9.99

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