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WAR X-TREME - Princess VS Zombie

WAR X-TREME - Princess VS Zombie

This is not the children's game played in many parts of the world, because that game has NO strategy and it’s boring. WAR X-TREME, on the other hand, is a complex game built for superhumans ONLY. It will take lots of practice and a lot of pumping iron to get the hang of this advanced game. Each set contains: 40 playing cards divided into 2 suits; 15 unique equipment cards; and three secrets...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey   FREE 

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WAR X-TREME - Robot VS Monster

WAR X-TREME - Robot VS Monster

This is not the children's game played in many parts of the world, because that game has NO strategy and it’s boring. WAR X-TREME, on the other hand, is a complex game built for superhumans ONLY. It will take lots of practice and a lot of pumping iron to get the hang of this advanced game. Each set contains: 40 playing cards divided into 2 suits; 15 unique equipment cards; and three secrets...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey  $3.00

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WAR X-TREME - Ninja VS Vampire

WAR X-TREME - Ninja VS Vampire

This is not the children's game played in many parts of the world, because that game has NO strategy and it’s boring. WAR X-TREME, on the other hand, is a complex game built for superhumans ONLY. It will take lots of practice and a lot of pumping iron to get the hang of this advanced game. Each set contains: 40 playing cards divided into 2 suits; 15 unique equipment cards; and three secrets...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey  $3.00

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War X-Treme - Alien VS ???????

War X-Treme - Alien VS ???????

This is not the children's game played in many parts of the world, because that game has NO strategy and it’s boring. WAR X-TREME, on the other hand, is a complex game built for superhumans ONLY. It will take lots of practice and a lot of pumping iron to get the hang of this advanced game. Each set contains: 40 playing cards divided into 2 suits; 15 unique equipment cards; and three secrets...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey  $14.99 $3.00

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WAR X-TREME - Game Board Poster

WAR X-TREME - Game Board Poster

This X-treme game board will help you keep track of all the War X-TREME cards in play! Gluten free, but was produced in a factory that may have shared equipment that contains nuts. **Ths is for the game board only! You need one or more sets of War X-TREME cards in order to play.** ...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey  $1.06

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This special bundle product contains the following titles. War X-Treme - Alien VS ??????? Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $8.99 Format: Card(s) This is not the children's game played in many parts of the world, because that game has NO strategy and it’s boring. WAR X-TREME, on the other hand, is a complex game built for superhumans ONLY. It will take lots...   [click here for more]
Orange Monkey  $40.95 $36.46

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  Path of the Necromancer: Anubis Structure Deck