This is one of the earliest card games on record preserved in its entirety with all 48 cards intact. Its name means "Court-office Game". This handmade deck was commissioned by Ladislaus the Posthumous, king of Hungary and Bohemia and Duke of Austria from 1453 to 1457. Each suit sign carries the coats of arms of four kingdoms: France (fleur-de-lis), Germany (eagle), Bohemia (lion) and... [click here for more]
Revisiting classic playing cards. A pretentious idea? No, simply a funny idea I had in mind for many years. Get K6T and play most of the game you have played so far, expend them with new rules and invent new games of your own.
This is the 2017 edition. The back is now symmetrical (some photos below are not updated yet). The deck comes within a nice tuckbox.
What's K6T?
There are 6 suits. All have... [click here for more]
K6T-Faces (120 cards) is for players who prefer to use portraits for the Court cards instead of the Chess symbols that are used in the regular K6T deck.
K6T-Faces contains specially drawn cards for King, Queen, Tower (=Rook), Bishop, Cavalier (=Knight), Jack (=pawn) for the 6 suits of K6T: Spades, Clubs, Moons, Hearts, Diamonds, Stars.
The design of the court is original and inspired by historical... [click here for more]
This is the definitive extension for the K6T deck.
It includes:
* numeral ranks from 13 to 18
* numeral ranks from 19 to 24
* the 1/2 rank
* portrait cards for all 6 courts (K,Q,T,B,C,J) at the 6 suits
* the Infinity rank ... [click here for more]