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Dice Deck - Earth

Dice Deck - Earth

What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.  D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How to use the deck? Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $10.04

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Dice Deck - Air

Dice Deck - Air

What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types. D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How to use the deck? Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $10.04

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Dice Deck - Fire

Dice Deck - Fire

What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.  D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How to use the deck? Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $10.04

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Dice Deck - Water

Dice Deck - Water

What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.  D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How to use the deck? Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $10.04

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Dice Deck - Stone

Dice Deck - Stone

What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types. D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How to use the deck? Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $10.04

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Dice Deck bundle - All 5 Decks [BUNDLE]

Dice Deck bundle - All 5 Decks [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Dice Deck - Earth Regular price: $10.04 Bundle price: $7.99 Format: Card(s) What's in the deck? The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.  D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart. How...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh  $49.95 $39.95

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Dice Deck - Sampler

Dice Deck - Sampler

This sample deck contains one of every kind of card from the Dice Deck sets.  Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Stone Buy them all in a bundle and save! Earth! Air! Fire! Water! Stone? ...   [click here for more]
Ben Hesketh   FREE 

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