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99 Blast - The Card Counting Game that is a Blast

99 Blast - The Card Counting Game that is a Blast

99Blast is a new card game that is both fun and flexible. It is a counting game that is based off the game 99, which uses a regular deck of cards. Unfortunately, a regular deck of cards isn't geared so well to having cards worth negative numbers or informing the player that the count has jumped to 99. So we set out to create a deck specific to playing this addictive game and added what we call "Blast...   [click here for more]
99 Blast  $15.00

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99Blast - The Counting Card Game that is a Blast (Gold Edition)

99Blast - The Counting Card Game that is a Blast (Gold Edition)

Special Edition Gold Backed deck of 99Blast cards. 99Blast is a new card game that is both fun and flexible. It is a counting game that is based off the game 99, which uses a regular deck of cards. Unfortunately, a regular deck of cards isn't geared so well to having cards worth negative numbers or informing the player that the count has jumped to 99. So we set out to create a deck specific...   [click here for more]
99 Blast  $15.00

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