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FARFLUNG Extension Cards

FARFLUNG Extension Cards

These extension cards will enhance your FARFLUNG experience. Extensions are an optional rule that some players may want to use. When a character has an Extension, a new rule is in play for that character. They may have access to a new move. Or rolls they make have been changed in some way: they may be more random, more predictable, or just plain odd. Extensions may also have some story complication...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Horror Stories: Eldritch Set

Horror Stories: Eldritch Set

Horror Stories is a story-telling role-playing game for one or more players. Each of you is trying to tell a story, but not the same story. Some of you want the characters to survive. The others... have other ideas. Each card has an element of a story: atmosphere, location, character, theme, etc. You can only play a card if it has a symbol that can follow a previous...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $4.95 $3.96

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