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Furries Create Insanity - Volume 1

Furries Create Insanity - Volume 1

The Unofficial Expansion You Never Knew You Wanted Offending humanity with the card game version of a hate crime was bad enough, but with furries, you're going to need a whole new set of collectible cardboard rectangles. This is Furries Create Insanity, an oddly sticky and unauthorized Furry expansion for the acclaimed Cards Against Humanity™. We've come up with 112 kink-shaming,...   [click here for more]
Furries Create Insanity  $18.33

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Furries Create Insanity - Volume 2

Furries Create Insanity - Volume 2

The Unofficial Expansion You Never Knew You Wanted PART 2 Offending humanity with the card game version of a hate crime was bad enough, but with furries, you're going to need a whole new set of collectible cardboard rectangles. This is Furries Create Insanity, an oddly sticky and unauthorized Furry expansion for the acclaimed Cards Against Humanity™. We've come up with 112 ALL...   [click here for more]
Furries Create Insanity  $18.33

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Furries Create Insanity - Volume 3

Furries Create Insanity - Volume 3

The Unofficial Expansion You Never Knew You Wanted PART 3 Offending humanity with the card game version of a hate crime was bad enough, but with furries, you're going to need a whole new set of collectible cardboard rectangles. This is Furries Create Insanity, an oddly sticky and unauthorized Furry expansion for the acclaimed Cards Against Humanity™. We've come up with 112 ALL...   [click here for more]
Furries Create Insanity  $18.33

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