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Check-In Cards

Check-In Cards

Check in with your friends!  Check-In Cards is not a game. It is a tool that allows players to check in with each other and make sure that everyone is feeling good and ready to play the next game. Here's how it works: Everyone gets 4 cards. The top half of each card shows an Energy level from "empty" to "full"; the bottom half of each cared shows an Intensity level from 1 to 4.  Everyone rotates...   [click here for more]
Formal Ferret Games  $0.99

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Weird Stories (Cards - Ashcan)

Weird Stories (Cards - Ashcan)

IMPORTANT: This is not the entire game! Buying this product will only get you the cards for Weird Stories. If you want the rulebook, click here. Weird Stories is a one-shot, zero-prep, dice-less, and GM-less story-editing roleplaying game where players will tell stories similar to the films of David Lynch, novels by Haruki Murakami or Jeff VanderMeer, and the TV series Lost and The...   [click here for more]
Formal Ferret Games  $10.00

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  Path of the Necromancer: Anubis Structure Deck