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Deckbox (large)Click to magnify

Deckbox (large)



Protect and store your cards in this clear deckbox.


Snap-on lid locks cards in place. Press to release. No hinges!


This large deckbox holds up to 120 cards of US Poker size, European Poker size, or smaller.

For smaller decks try the standard deckbox which holds up to 70 cards.


For very large decks in deck-building games like Heroes of Graxia, you would need a few of these large deckboxes.

The deckboxes are made to stack for easy storage regardless of standard or large size.

The deckbox's interior dimensions are not large enough for sleeved cards.

Size Specifications

  • Interior dimensions 92 x 66 x 41 mm
  • Interior height of base 36 mm (extra 5 mm of height to 41 mm from the lid cavity)
  • Exterior dimensions 97 x 72 x 47 mm

Large versus Standard



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L D P August 28, 2024 10:15 pm UTC
Any chance these are available outside of the US without the ridiculous shipping cost - i.e. a local distributor?
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Gerald B December 07, 2020 6:01 pm UTC
These are nice for small sets of cards. How about something that holds the cards upright on the long edge, & holds several hundred (5-600) cards? I can get plain white cardboard for this already. I'd like something I can see the contents without opening the container.
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Michelle A June 02, 2020 5:35 pm UTC
THANK YOU! I appreciate you offering deck boxes and not charging an arm and a leg for them.
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Harald E October 10, 2019 1:45 pm UTC
Can anyone tell me what the weight of the standard deckbox is (the smaller one, holding 70 cards)?
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Kevin W August 09, 2018 12:31 pm UTC
I would be ever so grateful if your company would offer plastic cases that can accommodate Tarot sized cards, 70mm by 121mm cards, preferably with an adjusted size to fit sleeved cards from the get go. I've been wanting to create monster cards that are Tarot sized, much like what TSR did back in the 90's with their 4 sets of Tarot sized monster card packs. Even debated doing this with equipment cards also, all for the d20 3.5 editions.

I've also been putting off buying the current cases, hoping you guys would adjust the boxes to allow sleeved poker sized cards to fit. It would be great to see 500 unsleeved capacity sized cases for Poker and Tarot (understandably less then 500 would fit with sleeves), and I would be willing to pay double of what you are charging now for those products and I would be wanting a few of these boxes instead of 1 or 2 of each.

Thank you for your time, and look forward to your response.
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Derin W April 02, 2021 7:12 pm UTC
I want a large deck box for tarot sized cards, too
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Matthew N June 01, 2016 7:00 am UTC
How much do these boxes weigh?
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Steve W June 01, 2016 6:16 pm UTC
The large deckbox weighs about 63 grams
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Travis M December 30, 2014 2:37 am UTC
Can you sell the lids separately? Mine got cracked in transit.
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Steve W December 30, 2014 4:03 pm UTC
Travis, sorry to hear it. Would you use the Contact Us link in the Help section of the site footer (just scroll down this page), and let our Customer Service folks know? They'll get a replacement sent out to you gratis.
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Thor S December 06, 2014 6:26 am UTC
It might be a good idea to tell, whether the box can hold sleeved cards or not. Just so that people know what they get. Awesome product in any case.
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Steve W December 08, 2014 5:18 pm UTC
Good idea Thor. I'll add that to the description.
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Terence B April 22, 2015 12:38 pm UTC
What about a version of these that are large enough for sleeved cards?
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Steve W May 01, 2015 3:21 pm UTC
Terence, a larger version that could hold sleeved cards would be great to be able to offer. It would involve pretty high tooling costs on our end to enable us to make them though, so I don't think it's something we can offer anytime soon.
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Eric R March 22, 2014 8:52 pm UTC
I'm looking for a deep, double-wide box for 200+ cards (like 4 x 54-card decks, stacked two-high, side by side).
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Steve W March 25, 2014 6:20 pm UTC
We're exploring some additional packaging options that are in line with what you describe, but we won't have anything like that for some time.
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Dani R October 25, 2013 9:01 am UTC
Wouldn't it be a good idea showing exterior and interior sizes? :) I'm thinking of games with extra components and less cards that may fit inside this box... or not. Thanks!
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Steve W October 25, 2013 2:15 pm UTC
Good idea Dani. Dimensions added to the description.
Interior dimensions 92 x 66 x 41 mm
Interior height of base 36 mm (extra 5 mm of height to 41 mm from the lid cavity)
Exterior dimensions 97 x 72 x 47 mm
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April 30, 2013
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