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Night Witches - Nachthexen CardsClick to magnify

Night Witches - Nachthexen Cards

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Nachthexen Cards


This high quality deck of cards is an excellent supplement for a game of Night Witches. Each deck includes a set of quick advancement cards with fictional prompts that make running a one-shot even easier. In addition there are portrait cards and medal cards, both of which can be used as visual props in play.

This is a full-color deck of 109 standard-sized cards printed on premium card stock, double-sided, with rounded-corners and a low-gloss UV Coating, making it an attractive addition to your tabletop game. Here's what's included:

37 Portrait Cards

Each of these cards includes a custom black and white illustration of an airwoman created by Claudia Cangini. Use them to represent your character or one of the non-player characters in the Regiment!

27 Medals Cards

Each of these cards displays an actual Soviet medal, complete with citation script on the back. Hand them out to players as they earn the awards, reading the citation aloud!

30 Advancement Cards

These cards are designed to make running a one-shot game easier to set up by quickly advancing play past the starting duty stations. Hand out the cards randomly and see which characters earn medals, promotions, new abilities. 

12 Airplane Cards

These illustrations of planes and targets are useful for demonstrating formations and maneuvers as well as leting you easily assign
navigators and pilots.

1 Articles Card 

A handy reference for the text of Articles 58 and 133, so that you'll know when you're about to earn the attention of the Regimental Politruk!

PLEASE NOTE: The deck currently comes without a box, banded in a plastic sleeve for delivery. DriveThru offers a clear plastic deck box as an additional option for $0.99, so be sure to add that to your order or plan to pick one up at your friendly local game store.


Thanks for your interest in our game! If you have any questions, please let us know!

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January 19th, 2019
These are a fantastic addition. I admit I didn't see use for all of the cards contained, but those I did became essential. The pilot cards changed things up with the NPCs, where the group suddenly had to deal with them as people instead of simply being [...]
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File Last Updated:
July 24, 2017
This title was added to our catalog on February 26, 2016.