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Wild Wars - Deluxe Solo Deck - UndergroundClick to magnify

Wild Wars - Deluxe Solo Deck - Underground

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Wild Wars LogoThe world of man has been depleted to the brink of extinction and now only a handful of people survive. Those that have, have allied themselves with hordes of animals from the five habitats: Land, Sea, Underground, Forest, and Sky. You are a general of one of these hordes and will work together with your animals to claim a new habitat to live in, fighting against enemy generals’ who seek to stop you in these Wild Wars for survival.

Unlike most other strategy and collectible card games, which use magical and fantasy creatures, Wild Wars is based on real world animals with actual abilities! Wild Wars is great for ages 8 and up, teaching the concepts of more complex strategy card games in a way that kids can understand and fostering a love of science and the world around them! Single decks, dueling decks, and deluxe dueling decks are able to be purchased directly here at Drive Thru Cards!

With the Underground deck, you harness the power of underground assaults with Burrow through animals like Honey-Badgers and Armadillos, syphon life with Suck through Tarantulas & Vampire bats, and crush defenses with Overpower through Weasels and Tortoises! The Deluxe Solo Underground Deck includes four Underground generals that help more advanced players take their game up to the next level, using the abilities of native people, survivors, sustainers, and scientists to gain special advantages and skills.

What Makes Wild Wars Unique?

Wild Wars uses the incredible animals found in our own world to encourage a love of science and wonder of the world around us. By pairing actual abilities these animals possess with gameplay, Wild Wars creates a revolutionary form of enriched learning! Each card comes with a QR code to let you learn more about the animals, objects, and food sources you'll be using! Card abilities are based on real world animals and their rarities are based on how endangered they are. By using iconic images to show animals’ strengths and abilities, younger players can grasp strategy in a whole new way! More experienced strategy players will find Wild Wars far more relaxed to play than other games due to the easily recognized icons! Utilizing symbolism allows card abilities to be understood many times faster than words alone. Wild Wars boils down all the card types found in normal collectible card games to just THREE: Food Sources, Animals, and Objects!This means younger players can easily grasp the three basic concepts of:

1.Get food. 2.Food attracts animals. 3.Animals help you win!

Streamlined card types eliminate bloat, while keeping the strategy options of far more complex games. To challenge more advanced players, there are at least 4 color-specific, strategy-shifting generals available for every deck! Plus, each general is based on a real people group or job, encouraging exploration of the real world through the game! As with the other cards, each general has QR code to let you learn more about the real world job or people group described! For more experienced players, the use of designated General cards help add a variety of new strategies and deck building possibilities.Because Wild Wars is a CCG (Collectible Card Game), it's not limited to the core decks, so players start with a basic deck and then are free to swap in better pieces from other decks and expansion packs to more fully reflect their preferred game play as they learn and grow! Players are encouraged to combine kingdoms to create hybrid armies, to swap in all-stars from a roster of current and soon-to-be-released generals, and trade with friends to create the most powerful army! Combine kingdoms of animals to create super powerful combo decks that are unique to you as a player. The Wild Wars proprietary Power Star System allows the game to advance with the player’s skills. With complexity measured by stars, the more stars on a card, the more options it has--and the more advanced it is! This allows households with a variety of ages and skill levels within them to quickly transform decks to fairly compete! The Power Stars make tweaking your decks for different tournament environments and casual gameplay scenarios super fast and painless. To assist with gameplay that explores the world in a whole new way, Wild Wars uses artwork by master artists and inventors from the past four hundred years to illustrate each card and concept! In addition to more well known artists like Leonardo da Vinci and John James Audubon, there are amazing naturalists like Joseph Smith, William Homes Lizar, and Joseph Wolf, as well as unexpected artisans like British-thief-turned-Australian-Prison-painter William Buelow Gould! The QR codes on each card will let you learn, not only about the animal or general on the card, but more about the artist whose art was used, as well. Because of the amazing artists featured in each card, your awareness of the art of the past will increase with each game you play!

How many players can play?

Wild Wars is ideally suited to two players, but, with one deck per player, you can play with up to four. In larger games, players will enjoy the challenge of competing against multiple opponents at once, having to come up with more complex forms of strategy to deal with them. (We do recommend a starting life total of 15 for three players, and 20 for four players!)

How do I get started?

Unlike some more complex collectible card games, Wild Wars intentionally makes getting started really simple. While more experienced players may want to get a Solo deck and expand it (or even create one from scratch) to build the "ultimate" fighting deck, most people want to start with a game that has everything you need to start playing "in the box," so to speak. As such, one of our Basic Duel Decks is the perfect way to get started with Wild Wars. Each set includes two complete 42 card dueling decks (along with any requisite Spawn cards)--everything you need to enjoy rousing fights between major animals from two competing kingdoms:! (For more advanced players, the Deluxe versions are an even better value because they include 8 game-changing generals--four for each deck!) If you'd like to get a better feel for the game, you can download the Basic Rules Printable PDF.

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This title was added to our catalog on May 16, 2015.