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Revisiting classic playing cards. A pretentious idea? No, simply a funny idea I had in mind for many years. Get K6T and play most of the game you have played so far, expend them with new rules and invent new games of your own.

K6T cards

This is the 2017 edition. The back is now symmetrical (some photos below are not updated yet). The deck comes within a nice tuckbox.

K6T back

What's K6T?

There are 6 suits. All have a different color. Clubs are green and Diamonds are orange

K6T Aces

The new suits are blue Moons and purple Stars. The Moons are footed as the Clubs and the Spades. The Stars have a sharp bottom as the Diamonds and the Hearts.

Then, a K6T deck has 120 cards

K6T 6-suit

In every suit, pips go from 1 to 12. So, 11 and 12 are added


There is a 0 too. But, a void card would be silly. 0's are also Jokers


Some playing cards decks have Aces, some have a 1. In K6T, there are both, 1's and Aces. 1 is worth less than 2, Ace is the strongest card of the suit


There is 6 different courts in every suit. They use the 6 Chess figures. The Jack (J) is the lowest, it is represented by a pawn. The King (K) is the strongest, only the Ace is above him. King is followed by he Queen (Q)

As in Tarot decks, a Knight or Cavalier (C) is the 4th court. The Cavalier ranks just above the Jack

Above the Cavalier there is the Bishop (B), then the Tower (T) (Rook (R) on older decks)

K6T Court cards

A full suit is then made of 20 cards:


K6T Full 1









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Lee S November 08, 2023 12:51 am UTC
Is there a way to get this deck with a more classical/elegant back?
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Christopher S March 11, 2018 11:57 am UTC
What does 'K6T' mean? It's an interesting name.
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Jean-Louis C May 01, 2018 10:07 am UTC
6 is for the 6 suits
T is because there are 20 cards in one suit and T is the 20th letter of the alphabet.
K is for the phonetics of cards or my own name.
NB: I have also designed an extension with 13-14-15 in each suit but I have not changed the name...
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Jean-Louis C January 31, 2016 8:14 pm UTC
The quality of these cards is impressive, DTC is really great. It's a lot of pleasure playing with them. My kids love that deck.
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This title was added to our catalog on December 13, 2015.