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Skill Prompt Cards for Fate

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Fate Skill Prompt Cards supercharge character creation in Fate Core with questions and other prompts based on central axis of action for your characters: their skills.

This deck contains 18 skill cards for use while playing Fate Core, plus an instructions card replicating the instructions below.


These cards map to the 18 default skills in Fate Core. Use them to distribute skills across the character group and to add character details relating to your top skills.


  • First, each player claims a different skill card for their top-tier skill (the peak of the pyramid).
  • Next, each player takes an unclaimed card for a second-tier skill.
  • Finally, choose any skill you don't have yet for your other second-tier skill (including any someone else already picked).


  • Top-Tier Skill: Answer two or three questions from that skill's card.
  • Second-Tier Skills: Answer one or two questions from those skills' cards.
  • Work these answers into your character's backstory and aspects as desired.
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Ron B March 02, 2020 3:17 pm UTC
Given the recent Fate of Cthulhu, I was wondering if it would be possible to update the cards to include skills from other Fate games. Obviously for FoC I’m thinking about Academics. Or maybe make “boosters” every once in awhile?
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Philip G December 15, 2018 11:17 pm UTC
The worst format for printing a PDF of 'playing cards' ever. One per page, dead center, every other page is the back of the cards. 38 pages total print volume. I'm glad the price of the combined set was reduced to essentially 'give' them to me for free, so no complaints on the cost for what I received.
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Fred Hicks ( December 15, 2018 11:53 pm UTC
That's the input format for the cards for print-on-demand. Since these were done quickly, with an uncertain market, I didn't figure on the PDF having much utility, especially with regards to sinking in the time to reformat everything for a PDF that I *couldn't* use to produce the print version of the cards. Pretty sure Adobe Acrobat will let you print "only even pages" and "9 to a page" (or other grid patterns) last I looked, which would likely make the file in its existing form work dandy.
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Randy O May 06, 2018 3:18 am UTC
Any chance of adding blanks (or a booster of blanks, ala It's Not My Fault character cards) for custom skills?
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Fred Hicks ( May 25, 2018 2:22 pm UTC
Hmmm... given the nature of the deck I'm not 100% sure what those offer over a blank index card?
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Randy O May 25, 2018 2:55 pm UTC
One of the uses of the Skill Prompt cards is to randomly assign skills to characters/NPCs. Shuffle the deck and deal three cards to each character and that is their top three skills.

Blanks would allow for the custom skills to be inserted into the stack for random assignment.
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Matthias K November 24, 2017 1:17 pm UTC
I've buyed the PDF and thought to print it later by myself (because I do not live in America). There is a watermark with my order number on it. Is that normal or is there a possibility to get the PDFs without it?
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Fred Hicks ( November 24, 2017 5:33 pm UTC
Our defaults are set to avoid watermarks, not sure how that happened. I'll investigate and address it today.
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Matthias K December 11, 2017 3:10 pm UTC
thanks! Now the watermarks are gone!
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taliesin L November 02, 2017 4:45 am UTC
Waiting for my physical cards to get here in the mail, but are there any suggestions on how to print these cards from the pdf? The way they come, it looks like they'll print as full sized pages.
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Fred Hicks ( November 02, 2017 5:32 pm UTC
The dimensions of each 'page' is the dimensions of an individual card. With at least some PDF printing programs you should be able to tell them to print multiple pages to a single page — requires some fiddling around with the print dialog settings in Acrobat for example.
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File Last Updated:
January 23, 2017
This title was added to our catalog on April 27, 2016.