| TECH?NO! BOWL: Arcade Football Unplugged Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF
This download includes the TECHNO BOWL rule book, MORE FUN! LEAGUE team guide, Quick Reference Sheets, score board, player/game tokens, down markers, and an official MFL playing field. It does NOT include team cards. Team cards are availble now on DriveThruCards.com- use the link below!
The Legacy League™ Expansion is available HERE now!
TECH? NO! Forget about expensive game systems, emulators, disconnected online games, and high-priced yearly roster updates. TECHNO BOWL takes everything you love about arcade and video game football classics like Tecmo Bowl, NFL Blitz, and Madden and puts it all on the tabletop.
And as if that isn’t cool enough, it also gives you a feature that gamers have long asked for but never gotten… until now! What is it, you ask? As a coach in ...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: All Fun! East Regular price: $15.99 Bundle price: $11.99 Format: Card(s)
| The ALL FUN! CONFERENCE EAST card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the WARRIORS, SUSHI, SPACESHIPS, and PILLS. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division!
The WARRIORS are known for attacking defenses with their aerial assault. Baby has a couple of favorite targets in the sure hands of Black and the star power receiver Knockowski. Baby was also responsible for coming up with the team motto.
#55 ROCK KNOCKOWSKI: stiff arm, run block
#6 TOM BABY: pocket passer
#66 TROY BLACK: catch
The team motto of the WARRIORS is ‘Fighting Inflation!’ While technically fitting in with the battle theme [since it features the word ...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: All Fun! North Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $11.99 Format: Card(s)
| The ALL FUN! CONFERENCE NORTH card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the PIT BULLS, BANDITOS, JACK-O-LANTERNS, and NINJAS. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division!
The PIT BULLS have a bad bark and a bad bite. Instead of relying on a couple of stars or a big name superstar, the notorious CHAIN LINK defense of the PIT BULLS is led by four impact players. Sure, it has a few holes in it, but the CHAIN LINK is very effective through the implementation of its pack-like tactics.
#33 JOEY MEAN: shove
#44 HARRY JAMMISON: team player
#66 RON WOODSMAN: tackle +1
When asked how he was able to find and recr...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: All Fun! South Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $11.99 Format: Card(s)
| The ALL FUN! CONFERENCE SOUTH card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the TRIDENTS, RATTLERS, OMEGAS, and YELLOW JACKETS. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division!
The RATTLERS have one of the league’s top three blitzers in superstar J.J. Joule. Not only is he great at getting into the opposing team’s backfield, but he tends to finish quickly when he gets there. He’s a scary, scary player to see on the other side of the ball and the key to the QUICK STRIKE defense. On offense, Hammer may not have the best throwing arm in the game, but he’s certainly hard to sack!
#4 RYAN HAMMER: pitch
#55 J.J. JOULE: blitz...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: All Fun! West Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $11.99 Format: Card(s)
| The ALL FUN! CONFERENCE WEST card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 84 cards. Teams include the BIGHORNS, CHEFS, REAPERS and REVOLT. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division! BONUS! This pack includes two alternate line-ups featuring MFL superstars Christian Okeydokay and Bo Nose!!
Everything from the logo to the fiery red uniforms with yellow accents promises that the CHEFS are going to turn up the heat and cook something special for the fans.
#55 TOM VINCENT: blitz, block +1
#70 JAMAAL CHILD: catch, juke
SHAKE AND BAKE! The star player duo of Jamaal Child [Shake] and Tom Vincent [Bake] provides sizzle on both sides of the ball. You know that bur...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: More Fun! East Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $12.99 Format: Card(s)
| The MORE FUN! CONFERENCE EAST card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the REGALS, BULLS, ENGINES, and GORILLAS. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division! Superstars Larry Trailer and Quentin Bartholomew Eagles included in this pack!
The rubber definitely meets the road in the ‘Red Line’ rushing attack of the ENGINES. Featuring star power runner John Biggins and impact runner Clint Portly, the offense is very difficult to contain on the ground as the duo ‘trucks’ would-be defenders and tacklers out of the way.
Danforth was drafted from one of the European football leagues by a new scout. The team had very...
 | TECH?NO! BOWL: More Fun! North Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $13.06 Format: Card(s)
| The MORE FUN! CONFERENCE NORTH card pack contains player and scouting report cards for all 4 teams in the division for a total of 72 cards. Teams include the KITTENS, GREENBACKS, MONSTERS, and RAGNAROK. You can add a custom tuck box to your order at checkout. There's a unique one for each division!
Don’t let the name or cute [but slightly sinister?] logo fool you. The KITTENS are nothing to [yarn?] yawn at! They sport one of the most impressive running games in the league thanks to their superstar running back. Interestingly enough, he wasn’t drafted for his running ability but due to his name meshing perfectly with the team image and marketing plan. Meow!
#44 GAVIN LOVER: team player
#7 HARRY DANDERS: juke, squeeze play, stiff arm
The GREENBACKS like to
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