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Pixel Loot - Familiars & CompanionsClick to magnify
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Pixel Loot - Familiars & Companions

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Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or for players to conveniently keep track of what their character carries. Combine this set with other sets to add diversity to your loot!

Best of all, Pixel Loot cards have a retro 16-bit style that lets players feel like they're playing an old SNES or Genesis RPG!

card sample

Treasure cards are great at simplifying the game for both players and dungeon masters. No rolling or tables are necessary for determining what players find when scouring a dungeon: they simply draw a card and hold onto it until it's used. The descriptive text on each card is written in a way that helps immerse players in the game world, and some even suggest potential plot hooks. 

AS A DUNGEON MASTER, you can customize your players' loot finds by adding or removing cards, or combining multiple decks, then just draw cards at random for quick and easy rewards. No more clunky loot tables and excessive die rolling. Just draw a card and hand it to the player!

AS A PLAYER, you can use Pixel Loot cards to easily keep track of what your character is carrying and using: Put a d20 on the "Arrows" card to help remember how many shots you have left. Put a d6 on the "Trail Rations" card to help remember how many days of food you have left. Does another character need to borrow your rope? Just hand him the "Hempen Rope" card! Never forget who has what, and say goodbye to character sheets blurred with constant erasing and re-writing!

Pixel Loot - Familiars & Companions contains 35 unique cards that represent various tiny, small, and medium-sized natural animals. Specifically, the type of creatures you'd use for a wizard's familiar or ranger's companion. On the back side of each card, you'll find full game stats (from 5e) for easy reference. Players can use these cards to keep track of their familiar's or companion's stats and abilities without having the PHB handy. Here's a list of everything you'll find in this set: bat, cat, crab, fish, frog, hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, rat, raven, seahorse, spider, viper, weasel, baboon, blood hawk, boar, deer, eagle flying snake, giant badger, giant centipede, giant crab, giant fire beetle, giant frog, giant rat, giant viper, giant weasel, giant wolf spider, hyena, jackal, panther, vulture, and wolf.

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Lesley N December 22, 2024 5:35 pm UTC
Hello Guys

I picked up the Bundle and the file that has this set, also has the 5.1 srd was I suspect accidentally added in 400 pages.

This is of course not a complaint :)
But someone made an error somehow
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February 10, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on February 10, 2018.