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Elemental Conflux- Spirit ExpansionClick to magnify

Elemental Conflux- Spirit Expansion


Elemental Conflux- Spirit Expansion adds a fifth Spirit suit to the Elemental Conflux game.  This expansion adds additional creature cards, all of which have special abilites as well as adding two new spell cards; thus adding depth and additional twists to this elemental dueling card game. 

Each player summons elemental creatures to the battlefield to fight for dominance over five elemental nodes. Players create five stacks of creatures that will engage each other in combat, with the highest strength totals winning the battle.

Spells and certain powerful entities will make combat interesting and exciting. Summoners conjure additional creatures to their army, Elemental Lords reduce the strength of the opposing elements' army, mighty dragons win no matter how many creatures oppose it (but can be thwarted by a wish from a Djinn) and cunning Wizards will very literally mix things up!

Cast spells to turn the tide of battle. Fires of destruction might rain down, eliminating cards from your opponent's army, a divination will allow you to peak at your opponent's army before battle is resolved, or a mighty whirlwind might scatter creatures into each others armies.

Battles commence, and the player with at least three out of five winning stacks takes control of one of five Elemental nodes. The player who takes control of at least three out of five elemental nodes wins the game.

A single deck of Elemental Conflux can accommodate 2 players, and is simple and fast enough to be taught in five minutes, and played in ten!

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This title was added to our catalog on September 03, 2018.
Pointy Hat Games LLC