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Ethernal Sand of Time Egypt Tarot sizeClick to magnify

Ethernal Sand of Time Egypt Tarot size


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Ethernal Sand of Time Tarot is restored edition of one of the oldest Tarot decks, whose illustrations are found in the book Practical Astrology: A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes The Language of The Stars Easily Comprehended by Comte C. de Saint-Germain. This great guidebook is now in public domain and can be found online for you to download & read!

Original Major Arcana images for this deck (with exception of Trump II - The Gate of the Sanctuary) were drawn by M.O. Wegener based on detailed descriptions by P. Christian (1870 book The History of Magic) & published in 1896 book: Les XXII lames hermètiques du tarot divinatoire by R. Falconnier with description of 22 major arcana cards all in public domain. 

This deck is:

* full colored (front & back)
*78 Tarot-sized card deck (2.75 x 4.75in or 7 x 12cm) 
*No text & No numbers!
+1extra alternative art card design for Wheel of Fortune & 1 title card about author & book info=80 cards total! ;)
*Original back design by me (as we don't have that in the book!). It is an All Seeing Eye of Horus & its mirror image over dark desert gold sand. Hope you like! I know I do!^^:)
*Original tuckbox!^^

Warning: this deck features strong yellow color hue & purposely distressed texture in order to incite brainstorm & imagination process! Keep away if you know you are not fan of either! ;)

Note: all my decks have promo price first month after publishing & holidays! Price will go up after Valentine’s Day! :) & fewer decks are left before it’s OOP (out of print!) So, early birds get  a better deal!

Ethernal Sand of Time Tarot is Limited edition in a way it will be available for sale only for limited time & number of decks (up to 1000)! Depending on popular demand it may be OOP before that number if there is lack of demand or if I decide to make some changes in design! :)

Thank you!^^

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David B March 17, 2023 4:39 am UTC
This a brilliant colorization of the 1901 St. Germain tarot. Uses a wide variety of background colors. textures, and patterns. Not for everyone, but I enjoy the lack of numbers and titles. Those unfamiliar with the deck may want to check out the online reference to see Saint Germaine's unusual titles, but this presentation is great for purely visual interpretation.
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Irena B March 17, 2023 1:03 pm UTC
Thank You for your positive review! Happy you like my design!:D
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This title was added to our catalog on January 13, 2019.