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King of Kings: a card and dice game (v3.8)Click to magnify
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King of Kings: a card and dice game (v3.8)

Suggested Price $1.00

King of Kings: a card & dice game (Version 3.8)

A competitive strategy card and dice game in which you take on the role of a King - lead your Kingdom into Glorious Battle in pursuit of Righteous Victory!

A standard deck of playing cards (including Jokers), some 6-sided dice and 2-4 friends

Object of the Game
To win Battles and add Victory Point cards to your Victory Deck. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of game is the Winner and crowned the King of Kings

Game Play
The game is played over a series of Rounds which are composed of a DRAW Phase and ACTION Phase.
Cards drawn have different Strengths, Effects and Bonuses.
Players build their Kingdoms and must decide when to HOLD or otherwise ATTACK and do Battle with opposing Kingdoms on the Battlefield.
To gain Victory Points, players must win Battles, the outcome of which is determined by the cards played plus the roll of two 6-sided dice!

"Join the Fight to Own the Right to be the King of Kings!"

Running time: 30 minutes
Ages: 10+

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Tibbius G August 15, 2022 5:16 pm UTC
I imagine a mechanic like this:

- attacker reveals a card from their hand
- defender reveals a card
- attacker rolls 2 dice and adds to their card
- if attacker's total is more than the value of defender's card, discard defender's card; otherwise, discard attacker's card.
- jokers count zero, but always win for defender, and always lose for attacker, unless the attacker rolls 7 or 11 - then the normal rules apply.
Customer avatar
Adrian Y August 15, 2022 9:49 pm UTC
Hello and thank you for the comment. This is very interesting streamlined gameplay and definitely at the core of the game. How would you incorporate the picture cards? How would points work ie how would you determine the winner?
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