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OBSCURE BATTLES 5 - DORIA (2025 Edition)Click to magnify
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OBSCURE BATTLES 5 - DORIA (2025 Edition)


"DORIA", Volume 5 of the Obscure Battles takes the player to the age of the Galleys between the 13th and 16th centuries.

You can now either play one of the over 10+ historical scenarios ranging from small raiding action to epic events in this simple PRINT AND PLAY boardgame.

...or you can CREATE your OWN GALLEY BATTLES in Mediterannean or Indian Ocean.`

The game has :

  • Over 18+ counters for medieval ship types from Caique to a mighty Galleass

  • Leader Units that come with own characteristics that portray the actual personalities like Andrea Doria ( yes we have the whole family gathering - Giovanni Andrea is also in the game ) and Dragut

  • A fast and simple play system that allows wing/squadron activations.

  • Some scenarios can be played in A3 sized sheets but the interested players can play far larger scenarios like Diu, and Zonchio.

  • Tactical rules that aim to create all the chaos and mayhem of a galley clash from boarding actions to small arms fire.

  • Combat card system that brings immense playability to each game - with over 40 Combat Cards - you will never play the same battle again.

  • Features over 8 + scenarios from Mediterannean and Indian Oceans

The game comes with a easy index rulebook with charts that cover for ramming and naval gun attacks, fanaticism,  traversing coastal water.

The complexity level is Simple to Medium ( with optional special rules scales up to medium+detailed) )

The game introduces an "Activation by Wing Marker" pull system to the OB mechanism that randomizes the fire and movement but simplifies the routine chores and allows much faster gameplay.

As usual we provided the large 0.8-inch counters at 256 DPI - they can be scaled even more or down ( just apply the same scale adjustment to the map ).

Maps for the scenarios are prepared for home printers - JUST PRINT AND PLAY !!!  

( In case you want to spend time to mount the map etc - there is an extra chapter for how to DIY the game in very small baby steps )

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Freman G April 25, 2020 9:37 pm UTC
Thank you ! We aim to please :) ... actually we are a bunch of gamers like you... so we try to cover all the right things - THANK YOU again...
Customer avatar
Frank D April 25, 2020 11:44 am UTC
Great job - is it possible to include the "Turtle Ships" in this one ? It would be nice to see a "Clash of Civilizations".

Swashbuckling piracy on an A3 , I really like your stuff Freman
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June 04, 2022
This title was added to our catalog on April 24, 2020.