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Half Deck Dungeon HeroesClick to magnify
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Half Deck Dungeon Heroes

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Half Deck Dungeon Heroes is a solitaire and/ or cooperative card game for players 14 years old and above.  All you need to play this game is the deck, some dice and this rule booklet (for reference). This is a card game suitable for 1-4 players. And the game lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.This is a compact card game that does not use counters,  caps or paper clips to track life points, making the playing area a bit less cluttered.

The card tuckbox is not only used to keep the cards. Unfolding it morphs the box into a play mat, complete with references and guide areas to play your game. The deck itself comes with one reference card for your game play.

The rulebook is free for download in the full page preview section of the product page. It has also been updated. It now contains rules for customizing your very own game adventure.

At the moment, minor changes to the physical deck are being done.Please wait for updates on it.Otherwise, you  can purchase ghe digital copy. Thank you.

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Horje C July 05, 2022 8:04 am UTC
Oh and a Bonus question: Can the Escape card be used on the EndGame Boss?

I assume it can't work on the EndGame Boss since the EndGame Boss isn't a standard Boss card like the others in the Dungeon Deck.
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Krist Anthony A July 05, 2022 9:13 am UTC
That is correct. You have to use every bit of your combos, gears and heroes to defeat the Endgame Boss. That excludes the Escape card.
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Horje C July 05, 2022 5:51 am UTC
I did have a quick question during the setup of the game.

Am I correct in understanding the rules that you do not start with a hero in your hand unless you draw it for your first 6 cards? If that is the case, how do you handle fights without a hero if you come across an enemy before you draw a hero?

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Krist Anthony A July 05, 2022 9:11 am UTC
When you draw your first 6 cards, and you do not have a hero card in your hand, you can discard 1-6 cards from your hand and draw the same number of cards. Doing this one time usually gets you at least one hero card in your hand to play the game. And with that you can start the game. If not, you are welcome to reset the game and draw a fresh hand.
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Gerardo V January 19, 2021 6:59 am UTC
This is a great game super easy to learn and great to play with friends I highly recommend this!
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Collin P December 25, 2020 12:08 pm UTC
Hey man, congratulations on your solo card game effort!

Just had one question. How sturdy is the tuckbox that comes with the deck, and does it hold up to repeated instances of folding and unfolding the box? That would be my only cocern, everything else about this looks good.
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Krist Anthony A December 25, 2020 12:19 pm UTC
The tuckbox is surprisingly sturdy and tight. It serves as a good protection for the cards. You have the option to unroll it but it risks loosening up the box.
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Krist Anthony Almario
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