Library - Alamut - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique location. After an Assamite you control successfully bleeds a Methuselah, put the pool lost by that Methuselah on this card. Burn X blood from this card during the polling step of a political action to give a vampire you control +X votes....
Library - Ancestor's Talisman, The - Equipment Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique equipment. The minion with this equipment gets +1 intercept when attempting to block actions that require Dominate [dom] or Presence [pre]....
Library - Black Throne, The - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique location. Lock during the polling step of any referendum to get +2 votes. Lock after a minion with a contract and chosen for that contract by an Assamite you control leaves the ready region to gain 1 pool....
Library - Clandestine Contract - Action Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
+1 stealth action. Requires an Assamite with a capacity above 4. Contract. (D) Enter combat with a ready minion controlled by another Methuselah and put this card on that minion. This Assamite is chosen for this contract. This Assamite may enter combat with this minion as a +1 stealth (D) action....
Library - Deviki Prasanta - Ally Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique ghoul with 2 life. 1 strength, 0 bleed. If Deviki is ready during your master phase, you may lock Deviki to search your library or ash heap for a master: Discipline card and place that card on a ready Assamite you control....
Library - Ghouls of Plaza Moreria, The - Ally Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique ghoul with 2 life. 1 strength, 0 bleed. The Ghouls get an optional maneuver each combat and can strike for 1R damage. The Ghouls may take a +1 stealth (D) action to remove 1 blood from any ready vampire and gain a container counter. Any ready Assamite may take a +1 stealth action to burn X container counters on the Ghouls and gain X blood from the blood bank....
Library - Haqim's Law_ Judgment - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Contract. Trifle. Lock a ready Independent or Anarch Assamite you control to put this card on a younger vampire. Every Independent or Anarch Assamite is considered chosen for this contract. Any Independent or Anarch Assamite can enter combat with the attached vampire as a +1 stealth (D) action....
Library - Haqim's Law_ Leadership - Action Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
+1 stealth action. Each Methuselah who controls any of the oldest ready Assamites gains 2 pool....
Library - Heartblood of the Clan - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Master: unique location. Any Assamite may take an action to move 1 blood from the blood bank to this card. During your influence phase, you may move any amount of blood from this card to any Assamite in your uncontrolled region....
Library - Kali's Fang - Equipment Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique melee weapon. Strength+1 aggravated damage each strike....
Library - Khabar_ Community, The - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique master. Put this card in play. Each Assamite gets +1 stealth when bleeding. Any minion may burn this card as a (D) action; Tremere get +1 stealth when attempting that action....
Library - Khabar_ Glory - Action Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
+1 stealth action. Unique. Not usable if any non-mandatory actions have been performed this turn. Put this card on this Assamite and unlock them. This Assamite gets +1 bleed. If your prey is ousted, you gain an additional 4 pool. Burn this card during your unlock phase....
Library - Khabar_ Honor, The - Combat Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Only usable if this Assamite has been chosen for a contract on the opposing minion. Strike: hand strike at +3 damage....
Library - Khabar_ Loyalty - Action Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
+1 stealth action. Move 2 blood from the blood bank to a younger Assamite in your uncontrolled region....
Library - Market Square - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Master: unique location. Lock to give an Assamite you control +1 intercept....
Library - Nest of Eagles - Reaction Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Reduce a bleed against you by 1. If the acting minion is a vampire with capacity less than 6 or an ally, reduce the bleed by 3. Not usable if the acting minion is an Assamite or wraith or has flight [FLIGHT]....
Library - Omael Kuman - Retainer Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique ghoul with 1 life. Before range is determined on the first round of combat, the minion with this retainer may burn 1 blood to set the range for the round....
Library - Path of Blood, The - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique. Put this card in play. Cards requiring Quietus [qui] cost Assamites 1 fewer blood. Any minion can burn this card as a (D) action that inflicts 1 unpreventable environmental damage on acting vampires....
Library - Provision of the Silsila - Action Modifier_Reaction Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Usable by a locked vampire. Only usable after a combat involving this Assamite and a minion with a contract naming this Assamite. Only usable if the opposing minion is not ready and this Assamite is ready. This Assamite gains enough blood from the blood bank to reach full capacity, and the contract is burned if still in play....
Library - Reliquary_ Shango Remains - Equipment Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Choose an Assamite in your ash heap or burn 1 pool to choose an Assamite in your uncontrolled region. Remove the chosen Assamite from the game or burn this reliquary. Once each turn, except during combat, if the Assamite bearer is ready, they can burn 1 blood to give you +2 hand size until the end of the turn....
Library - Tajdid - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Master. For the remainder of the game, the Blood Curse no longer prevents Assamites from committing diablerie. Only one Tajdid can be played in a game....
Library - Underworld Hunting Ground - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Master: unique location. Hunting ground. During your unlock phase, you may move 1 blood from the blood bank to a ready vampire you control. A vampire can gain blood from only one Hunting Ground card each turn....
Library - Web of Knives Recruit - Action Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
+1 stealth action. Put this card in play in your uncontrolled region with 3 training counters. During your unlock phase, burn a training counter from this card. You may burn counters from no more than two recruits each unlock phase. When the last training counter is burned, move this card to your ready region; it becomes a 3-capacity, non-unique Assamite with Celerity [cel], Obfuscate [obf], Potence [pot], Quietus [qui] and 3 blood who is Blood Cursed....
Library - Yoruba Shrine - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique location. When a ready Assamite you control is the target of a (D) action or is chosen by the acting Methuselah in the terms of a referendum, you can lock this location to unlock the acting minion and have the action or referendum fail. Only usable as the (D) action is announced or during the polling step of the referendum before votes and ballots are cast....