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Monsters Deck 2

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Monsters Deck is a collection of 25 tarot-sized cards, each with a monster for Four Against Darkness.

"Monsters Deck - 2" contains all the classic monsters from the core rulebook adapted for all levels with the Highest Character Level mechanic (HCL). Use the highest Level in your party plus the bonus shown for the monster’s Level. Use these cards whenever you would roll on a table to determine which Vermin, Minion, Boss or Weird Monster you encounter. Instead of rolling, draw a card from the appropriate deck, play it and then reshuffle it into the deck. You can combine monster decks together, expanding the variation of encounters with every new set released.

For detailed instructions, download monsters-deck_rules.PDF

6 Vermin:

  • Rats
  • Vampire Bats
  • Goblin Swarmlings
  • Giant Centipedes
  • Vampire Frogs
  • Skeletal Rats

7 Minions:

  • Skeletons
  • Zombies
  • Goblins
  • Hobgoblins
  • Orcs
  • Trolls
  • Fungi Folk

6 Bosses:

  • Mummy
  • Orc Brute
  • Ogre
  • Medusa
  • Chaos Lord
  • Small Dragon

 6 Weird Monsters:

  • Minotaur
  • Iron Eater
  • Chimera
  • Catoblepas
  • Giant Spider
  • Invisible Gremlins

Fully compatible with all Four Against Darkness books and card products. You also might be interested in "Monsters Deck - 1".


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Scott W December 28, 2023 7:13 pm UTC
This is a great deck! I did notice, after downloading the new update, the zombie's back is not a minion card back.
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Neil W February 07, 2023 10:15 pm UTC
In a previous update I read that the card decks wouldn’t repeat content, but all these monsters appear in the core book don’t they?
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Tom H June 19, 2022 3:01 pm UTC
Alex could you share the template so that we can make our own cards for the supplement books ?
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Wesley H March 17, 2022 9:19 pm UTC
Awesome content! Any plans to release monster decks for any of the supplement books?
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Alexey A June 09, 2022 7:45 am UTC
Thanks, Wesley!
As far as I know, there are no such plans. 4AD author focused on making unique content and doesn't want to duplicate existing materials in different forms.
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Alexey Aparin
Publisher Average Rating