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BRAWL: Morgan Vs. HaleClick to magnify

BRAWL: Morgan Vs. Hale


BRAWL is a lightning-fast card game for two or more players. Each player needs one character deck. This package contains two characters, which is enough for two players. 

Players each start with one Base card in play. Playing at the same time, and as fast as they wish, players play Hits, Blocks, new Bases, and other special cards, trying to capture more Bases before either player reaches the bottom of their deck. An average game is over in less than 60 seconds.

BRAWL was first released in 1999, and now finds a home at DriveThru Cards. The complete rules are available at 

Morgan vs Hale:

"Morgan is tiny, sleek, and devastating. She has a quick temper and a very simple fighting style. Because of her size, she must be fast to win!"

Playing Morgan requires speed and thought. She has a weak color (red) and quite a lot of Blocks, which can be a good thing if handled correctly.  When playing as Morgan, you must learn to burn. Get an early advantage and then speed down to your Freeze cards while you still have it.

"Hale is a powerhouse, the biggest and strongest fighter in the set. His technique is simple, which can sometimes get him into trouble."

Like Morgan, Hale has to play fast to get the job done. But he's less about finesse and blocking, and more about hitting really hard. So when you play as Hale, get your Hits into play, and do it quickly.

Look for other BRAWL decks from Crab Fragment Labs on DriveThruCards.

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Fernando B November 28, 2024 6:54 am UTC
Getting my friends to play card games is difficult, but not with this game. Everyone who has tried the game with me love it. It is great for non-gamers and gamers alike.

The training mode (for newbies) is pretty quick; the non-beginner mode is even faster, which leads to some hilarity. The game is easily transportable. It's colorful and lovely. And the best part is the game is designed by James Ernest. He knocked it out of the park on this one.

My friends like Hale the most. I'm more of a Morgan fan.
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