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The Singularity Deck Third Edition: Earth (symmetric)Click to magnify

The Singularity Deck Third Edition: Earth (symmetric)

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The Singularity Deck Third Edition: Earth (symmetric)

The Singularity Deck is a universal playing card system that allows for an immense number of games to be played from traditional classics to modern favorites. To read the full design notes check out the link to the Singularity Games website in the publisher description.

A massive shout-out to all of the Singularity Games patrons for making the third Edition of the Singularity Deck possible and thanks for all the feedback and suggestions! Singularity Games patrons get access to discount codes, print & play files, and the Singularity Deck art assets for creating their own custom cards.

The Singularity Deck Third Edition: Earth (symmetric) set consists of 6 suits. Each suit contains all standard playing card ranks (A thru K) plus a few extras including an 11 & 12, a singularity card, a Tower card, and an Ω card (A, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, J, Q, K, C, Ω, and singularity).

The Singularity Deck exists in two layouts: asymmetric and symmetric. The symmetric layout has the numerical rank and the dice rank on both the top and bottom.

Singularity Deck Asymmetric Anatomy

The Suits of the Singularity Deck Earth Set:


Clubs Suit


Diamonds Suit


Hearts Suit


Triangles Suit


Ovals Suit


Spades Suit

A note for any high-stakes poker players: The edge-to-edge color on the front of the cards means that some color is visible when looking directly at the side of the deck. It’s most noticeable when the cards are new and in suit order. When the cards are shuffled, however, the color is not noticeable in practice.


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David B April 09, 2023 6:20 am UTC
Excited about the new symmetrical design so it does not matter which way the card is turned in the hand. Thinking of replacing all my existing deck sets. However, do not need the 2 extra suits. I use these to play the game of spades. I could employ the extra suits combined with the cosmos set to create multiple 4 suit decks. But my folks demand spades as the trump suit. So I would need to buy just the spades suit to pull that off. If I got multiple sets of the spades suit I could make this work.

But unlike the initial singularity deck I do not see the availability of individual suit purchases. Will this be coming any time soon? It would not require any extra printing, just modified packaging and pricing.
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David B July 26, 2023 4:06 am UTC
Very disappointed I never received a reply to this request. I purchase this deck as is and I need to throw two of the suits away. That is a lot of wasted cards which translates to wasted money. If you would just sell extra spades suits I could make it work without wasting any cards.

Then I would buy several decks along with several of the spades suits, mix and match to form multiple 4 suit decks without wasting any money. I will check back in later to see if you are offering this. If you are then I will purchase. Otherwise not going to waste my money.
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Matthew R September 29, 2023 3:41 am UTC
Hi David. Sorry, I just saw this! I wish Drive Thru Cards would alert me when there are comments. I only ever see them if I happen to stumble on them.

I decided not to list the individual suits as I did for the previous edition because managing all the listings for each version became logistically challenging and most people asked me for them all combined anyway.

That said, I'm happy to upload the spades suit on its own, particularly since it's critical for such a popular game. For what it's worth, in the future my direct contact can be found at the bottom of my website which can be found in the publisher description (Drive Thru Cards doesn't like folks including links in listings and posts, which is why I'm making you hunt it down rather than just telling you). I will have to order a proof of the spades suit, so it may take a couple of weeks before it will be live.
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Matthew R November 11, 2023 11:59 pm UTC
Hi David. The spades suit on its own can now be found here:
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David B November 18, 2023 8:32 am UTC
Found it. Ordering 3 of the decks and extended decks and 2 of the spades suits which if my math is correct will give me 5 4 suit spades decks. Thanks for doing this for me.
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David B December 01, 2023 12:40 am UTC
Received my order last weekend. The spades suit that is ordered separately does not have the extended ranks 13-24 which means it is not usable. Too late for me but for sake of anyone who might have this idea in future may be good if the separate spades suit included all ranks.
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Matthew R December 01, 2023 4:12 am UTC
Hi David. Sorry, I should have linked you to both. The extended ranks for the spades on their own are separate:
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