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Kate and Kat's General Healings Oracle DeckClick to magnify

Kate and Kat's General Healings Oracle Deck


Kate and Kat's General Healings Oracle Deck!

Designed by KaptinKate and Developed with KatNBoots138.

The original and ONLY authorized version.

This deck is designed for those serious about changing their lives for the better, and finally gaining control of themselves in every facet and dimension. So you want the cards, or are you just gonna look at the description for them, and procrastinate even longer...???


Organic - Gluten Free - Vegan - Keto - Paleo friendly ✅

Used as a divination companion for yourself and/or others, Kate and Kat's General Healings Oracle Deck, as told by @KaptinKate and co-created by @KatNBoots138, is the handcrafted blueprint of two besties, who built and created our own spiritual practice, literally from the ground up, from our OWN personal experiences, and abilities. These can be used as a skeleton for your own verbage, or used as they come! Your journey with these is unique to you. These can be shared with friends and family, or in a group setting! If monetized by yourself or others, in any form or fashion, they are rendered powerless, on purpose, by our own doing =) This deck includes a set of instruction cards. More to come in the future! ...okay mmmmbyeeeeee.


All printing and shipping is done via a separate company. Shipping outside of the U.S. is available. All rights reserved.

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Tiffany A May 04, 2023 2:01 pm UTC
If ever there was a deck sure to connect you to the best version of yourself, THIS IS GOING TO BE IT. I haven't even got my deck yet, but I know everything Kate and Kat do is FIRE!!!!!!! Seriously, anything they put out will change your life for the better. I promise.
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This title was added to our catalog on April 09, 2023.
Kate and Kat Publishing
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