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Monsters Deck 5

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Monsters Deck is a collection of 24 tarot-sized cards, each with a monster for Four Against Darkness.

You may use these whenever you would roll on a table to determine which Vermin, Minion, Boss or Weird Monster you encounter. Instead of rolling, draw a card from the appropriate deck, play it and then reshuffle it into the deck. You can combine monsters decks together, expanding the variation of encounters with every new set released.

For detailed instructions, download monsters-deck_rules.PDF

"Monsters Deck - 5" contains 24 new monsters can be used for all levels of play.

6 Vermin:

  • Bone Crawlers
  • Cave Salamanders
  • Chaos Bugs
  • Flying Skulls
  • Purple Sludges
  • Undead Vultures

6 Minions:

  • Armored Mountain Goblins
  • Chaos Flailers
  • Clockwork Grunts
  • Crystal Automatons
  • Ghost Orcs
  • Swamp Zombies

6 Bosses:

  • Forest Faun
  • Frost Fiend
  • Kobold Sorcerer
  • Questing Damsel
  • Rain Gaunt
  • Red Fiend

 6 Weird Monsters:

  • Mutant Octopus
  • Phoenix Of Dorantia
  • Plantoid
  • Smoke Elemental
  • Wave Elemental
  • Winged Lion

Fully compatible with all Four Against Darkness books and card products. You also might be interested in other Monsters Decks available.



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Robert O November 15, 2023 8:44 pm UTC
Alexey, will there be a Monster Deck 6 any time soon?

With a sixth deck, one can set up a random d66 chart for each monster type since you'd then have 36 of vermins, bosses, weird monsters, minions. That would allow one to pull cards relevant to one's random roll for populating one's 4AD dungeons.
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Nathan R July 26, 2023 7:15 pm UTC
Mentioned in the comments for Monster Deck 4, but I'm not a fan of the AI art in this deck compared to 1-3.
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File Last Updated:
April 12, 2023
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Alexey Aparin
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