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Dead After Dinner

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The aging Patriarch of your family has uncharacteristically invited everyone to dinner.

He says he's made changes to his will that affect you, and he will read it after dinner.

Inspired by the films Clue and Knives Out, you'll tell a story about the death of a grandfather and the familial drama that caused it.

Deck Building

As a Descended from the Queen game, you'll read instruction cards first, and play consists of drawing and responding to prompt cards.

Unlike For the Queen, you build your deck with cards for each of the 8 phases- some decks have 1 card like Dessert, Murder?!?, Detective and Questioning, and some decks have 1 or 2 cards per player.


Every character has Resentment- a stat that represents your feelings toward the Patriarch and the family. Cards will instruct you to modify yours, or ask others to do so.

If your Resentment is 0 or below, you are automatically innocent when the last card is drawn, and being a murder is always opt-in.


0.  Instructions (11 cards)- Learn the game and set up your deck
1.  Characters (8)- Define your relationship to the Patriarch and each other
2.  Dinner (15)- Set up your sordid family history
3.  Dessert (1)- Transition between Dinner and The Will
4.  The Will (6)- Learn the drastic changes the Patriarch has made
5.  Murder?!? (5)- 5 different ways for the Patriarch to die- pick one, or choose randomly
6.  Detective (1)- Transition between Murder?!? and Questioning
7.  Questioning (18)- Inconvenient and unavoidable
8.  Whodunnit (1)- Unveil the murderer(s)

What You'll Get

  • 34 page color PDF with 4 tarot-sized cards per page (68 cards total), laid out to print double sided on cardstock
  • Please note the print edition does not come with a box- DriveThru does not offer boxes that fit tarot-sized cards (their deck boxes only fit standard sized cards). The game will fit into boxes meant for 3"x5" notecards, with a little extra room.


Randy LubinStory SynthGrant for the WebBig Bad Con & Ash Cheshire

Special thanks to: Andy Hague, Sidney Icarus, Javier Beltrán & Adam Robichaud

For the Queen™ is a trademark of Alex Roberts. The Descended From the Queen Logo is © Alex Roberts, and is used with permission.

Creative Commons 4.0 license, with attribution

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David M December 28, 2023 7:14 pm UTC
I’ve ordered from Drive-Thru RPG many times, but this is my first time to order from Drive-Thru Cards. I was surprised that this purchase did not include any kind of box or case to keep the cards in. I see now that deck boxes are sold separately for $1.00. I’m fine with paying a buck extra, but now I’m stuck with loose cards until I get a box (and pay considerable shipping and handling for a dollar purchase?). I don’t know whether I missed a notice that boxes must be purchased separately or whether there was no notice, but, either way, I find myself boxless.

What size box is needed for this deck? The descriptions say “Deck Box” and “Deck Box (large)” but purchaser comments say the boxes are already large. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Jennifer M December 29, 2023 4:59 am UTC
Unfortunately DriveThru does not offer deck boxes for tarot-sized cards, only standard sized cards.

Dead After Dinner will fit into boxes meant for 3"x5" note cards (tarot cards are 2.75"x4.75").
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File Last Updated:
March 31, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on April 10, 2023.
Jennifer Martin