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Pocket Lands: Frostlands

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Pocket Lands: Geomorph Cards

is a series of decks of illustrated geomorph cards that can be assembled into world maps for your favorite role playing games. You can put these on your table and build your world map, deal out a random landscape on a fly or follow simple overland travel and exploration rules. These cards will become one of your favorite DM tools!

FROSTLANDS are vast, inhospitable regions with twenty-four hours of daylight in summer, and complete darkness at mid-winter. These harsh areas range from snowy glades to green tundra, and from lush forests to high mountains. This deck works the best as an expansion to other Pocket Lands sets, but it is also great as a single deck for adventures in such a distinct biome.

FROSTLANDS set features:

  • 30 minimap cards: Unique, highly detailed, full color.
  • 1 Light tracker: Helps to keep track of light sources in your adventures.
  • 1 Terrain card: A complete list of terrain types used in this set.
  • Standard poker size: 2.5” × 3.5”.
  • 5 x 5 grid: Each minimap depicts 5 x 5 grid with iconic terrain.
  • Sandboxing: Ideal for open-world games. All decks work cohesively with each other.
  • System neutral rules of travel and exploration (download for free).

Available sets:

  • Kingdom: (70 cards set) An iconic fantasy set that makes a perfect core deck.
  • High Seas(70 cards set) A nautical themed pack includes deeps, currents and islands.
  • Marshes: (32 cards set) Great swamps of undead or nuclear wastelands? Fits perfectly for both, it`s up to you!
  • Deserts: (32 cards set) Dusty plateaus and hot winds where rare oases keep treasurous water and only legendary flying islands cast their shadowsto heated sands.
  • Frostlands: (32 cards set) Expand your known world to covered with ice and snow polar frontiers!

The geomorph overland map deck is a great tool for any DM.  They let you focus on Dungeon Mastering rather than drawing!  Pocket Lands: Geomorph cards will boost the engagement level of everyone at the table by making your games faster and more immersive! 

As a DM you never know where your party is going to travel next. So, whether you’re preparing for a campaign or mapping the adventure as it unfolds, geomorph cards help you create attractive maps instantly!  Create a never ending game world on the fly!  Whether you adventure solo or lead a group, these cards will make your game open, creative and spontaneous! 


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Darrin M September 14, 2023 4:00 am UTC
I do not know why The frost land cards are larger then the rest of the cards they do not match and so you can not put them with the other cards. I basically wasted $20- worth of cyan ink to print these things and they are useless. Maybe you can send me a free set of cards, provided they are the same size as the pdf of the other cards.
I decided to print these to make extra cards.
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Darrin M September 14, 2023 4:39 am UTC
Never mind about sending the cards. I managed to hack trim the borders to make them fit. But I would like to print another set of these, and it would be nice if you can change the pdf to make them the same size as the rest of the cards. Thanks
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Matt C November 09, 2023 6:59 pm UTC
I also noticed this - but I figured out why - this particular set has larger images to account for the bleed area, so if you were to get them printed at your own print shop, they would be properly cut, and end up being the same size as the others.
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Mr T May 18, 2023 10:35 am UTC
Fantastic set, as always! Recommended.
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File Last Updated:
May 16, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on May 16, 2023.
Alexey Aparin
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