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AXIANQUEST Dungeon EventsClick to magnify

AXIANQUEST Dungeon Events

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Can’t have enough HeroQuest?

Boost your game with new, exciting, unpredictable, fully compatible dungeon events!

How does it work?

Every time there are no monsters on the board, roll a die: if the result is 5 or 6, you draw a card from the deck and play it immediately.

  • Some events are truly dangerous
  • Some are an opportunity for unforeseen loot and unexpected help
  • All of them make the dungeon alive and full of surprises, and every game unique!

What kind of events are in the deck? Here’s the full list!

  • Abandoned Meal
  • Ambush
  • Ancestors’ Inspiration
  • Benevolent Ghost
  • Boulder Trap
  • Collapsed Wall 
  • Demon Deal
  • Dungeon Carnage
  • Dungeon Madness
  • Dungeon Panic
  • Dungeon Terror
  • Dungeon Turmoil
  • Double Trouble
  • Earthquake
  • Gentle Fairy
  • Helpful Ghost
  • Hungry Rat Swarm
  • Infernal Heat
  • Lethal Stench
  • Loose Stone
  • Loose Stone, with a Surprise
  • Loud Monsters
  • Mimic
  • Mischievous Fairy
  • Monsters Patrol
  • Mystery Mushroom
  • Mystery Potion
  • Phantasmagoria
  • Poisonous Gas Trap
  • Rabid Rat Swarm
  • Restless Dead
  • Sleeping Dart Trap
  • Surprise Attack
  • The Ancient King
  • The Goblin Apprentice
  • The Goblin Thief
  • The Hired Thugs
  • The Hunters
  • The Murderers
  • The Slayer
  • Too Much Calm
  • Trap Map
  • Treasure Map
  • Unnatural Cold
  • Vampire Bat
  • Winds of Magic
The full deck includes 46 different event cards, plus 1 reference/rules card.

AXIANQUEST Dungeon Events is also fully compatible with the full AxianQuest deck series!




AXIANQUEST Dungeon Events is not an independent game: you need to own the most famous dungeon crawl board game of HEROES and QUESTS. It is compatible with both the old and the new edition.

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Reviews (3)
Discussions (4)
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Felix R June 24, 2024 9:56 am UTC
Is it possible to also get the cards digitally?
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Giuseppe R July 18, 2024 10:05 am UTC
Sorry, PDFs are not available
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Lawrence C February 12, 2024 12:17 am UTC
I ordered this and two other decks on Jan. 16 and it seemed to be coming in a timely fashion, however, updates stopped on Feb. 5. It just says it will be delayed but no other info. Is this common? Should I consider the items lost yet or wait? How long should I wait before initiating the lost status? Any help would be appreciated.
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Giuseppe R February 12, 2024 11:26 am UTC
Hello Lawrence! It really depends on where you are. At all events, you can ask for specific assistance with your order using the Contact Us button at the bottom of this page.
I had a lost package once, and dtrpg sent it all again to me free of charge.
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Tom Y September 07, 2023 3:50 pm UTC
I like the look of the events. But I don't understand the text that says "and play immediately.", such as The Hunters event card.

Do you mean Zargon activates the monster immediately?

Please can you make that clearer.
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Giuseppe R September 08, 2023 11:50 am UTC
Yes, exactly. The monsters appear and Zargon activates them immediately!
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Regényi M August 17, 2023 1:03 pm UTC
Love the idea! However, why only roll when there are no monsters on the board? If you roll even when there are monsters on the board, you could completely annhilate the "Barbarian-blocking-the-door" problem! It is not a criticism, only a thought.
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Giuseppe R August 17, 2023 1:51 pm UTC
I tried that but it really was too much. The door-block strategy is already discouraged enough like this because it usually costs at least one players' turn to deploy, which means an extra chance for a nasty event.
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This title was added to our catalog on August 17, 2023.
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