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Galaxy Builder Decks: PlanetsClick to magnify

Galaxy Builder Decks: Planets

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Galaxy Builder Decks: Planets is a deck of double-sided cards of planets, asteroids, and stars for creating star systems during worldbuilding or on the fly during a game. Each card is loaded with information on size, climate, gravity, atmosphere, and possible terrain. On the back are listed traits and skills associated with this type of planet, useful for character creation or generating a native culture.

The Galaxy Builder Decks Series

Galaxy Builder Decks are a series of system-neutral cards for worldbuilders and GMs to quickly create scifi settings and cultures right on your table. Pair Planet cards with Planet Trait cards for unique locations and encounters. Each deck is designed to work with others in the series to help fully flesh out your galaxy. I created this series for several reasons: 1) as a helpful worldbuilding tool for authors and gamemasters to quickly create believable settings, 2) to boost immersion, appearing on the table as a series of computer display screens, 3) to provide players with a sense of exploration and discovery while you play, and 4) as a modular overmap on the table for seeing where you are in the universe without having to draw circles over and over.

Notable inspirations (Franchises): Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Alien, Firefly, Babylon 5, Elite Dangerous, Dune.
Notable inspirations (Games): Stellaris, Endless Space, Master of Orion, Starbound, Stars Without Number, Ironsworn Starforged.

Deck of 54 Double-sided Poker-sized Cards Includes:

  • 4x Continental - Earth-like watery planets 
    • (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Desert - Hot, arid planets with little water
    •  (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Glacier - Cold, icy planets 
    • (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Ocean - Sea-covered planets with 80-100% water
    • (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Jungle - Warm, marshy planets 
    • (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Swamp - Lush, forested planets 
    • (small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 5x Volcanic - Scorched, lava-covered planets 
    • (tiny, small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 5x Barren - Cratered moon-like planets 
    • (tiny, small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 5x Iceballs - Pluto-like planets covered in ice 
    • (tiny small, medium, large, large ringed)
  • 4x Gas Giants - Cloud-covered planets (Hot and Cold classes)
    • huge, huge ringed, huge, huge ringed)
  • 3x Asteroids - Rocky debris
  • 1x Comet - Venting icy body
  • 3x Stars - Sun-like stellar objects
    • Yellow G-type, Orange K-type, Red M-type
  • 1x Black Hole - Cosmic region of high concentration of matter and gravity
  • 1x Lagrange Point - Stable gravitational point in space

*Star System Mats shown below purchased separately Here.

Image collage of Galaxy Builder Decks: Planets

Who Are They For

For Worldbuilders

Galaxy Builder Decks makes worldbuilding easier by placing important information for a star system concisely and visually on a few cards laid out on your table. You can quickly lay out many different types of star systems, showing exactly what planet or moon is where. On the front of each card are listed general stats such as water, temperature, minerals, and vegetation levels shown in system-neutral pips of "low" to "high". And if you pair them with Planet Trait cards, they tell you what is even more unique about these worlds in various categories such as astronomy, geology, meteorology, biology, planetology, and more.

For GMs

You have an idea. You want your players to investigate a distress call from a planet with hordes of insects that mostly only come out at night. But wait, what else do we know about the planet? Is it an icy world or a swampy one? Draw a Planet card and find out! Turns out it is a large jungle world with heavy gravity and a thick atmosphere, plenty of mineral resources and vegetation, its surface marked with river canyons and great waterfalls. Any moons? Draw more cards! You have a whole deck to explore the possibilities and plan out the perfect adventure.

During Play

Your players' ship hovers in orbit above a small desert moon orbiting a green gas giant. They have been hired to explore the system’s habitability for colonization. How far from the star is the planetary system, they ask you. Uh oh, how to know that? Draw some Planet cards and lay out a star and a few planet cards in order. “It is orbiting the fourth planet from a yellow Gv-type star,” you tell them. If they ask about the star type, habitable zones, the world types, their terrain, gravity, then the essentials are there. Now if they want to know about air composition, lifeforms, planet geology, freak weather, and more, well there are Traits for that too.

For Players

Using the Galaxy Builder Decks series, players can create backgrounds for their characters.You can build your homeworld, make it unique, use the named traits and attribute icons on the back to pick skills that your character would have picked up from living there. The more cards you use, the more fleshed out your character becomes. The skills are system-neutral enough to be included in most games as part of the "lifepath" form of character creation.

Continuing Mission's review of Galaxy Builder Decks

continuing mission review

Card Anatomy for Galaxy Builder Decks: Planets

How to Use the Planets Deck

Using Planet Deck cards

Image for Planet Types and Sizes

Print-n-Play Version Includes:

  • Color version PDF - Front and Back sheets in 3x3 layout of US Poker-sized cards.
  • Printer-friendly version PDF - Front and Back sheets in 3x3 layout of US Poker-sized cards.

Print-N-Play instructions for Planets Deck

Check Out Other Products Available In The Galaxy Builder Deck Series:

systems tuckboxProduct Link to Planet Traits DeckProduct Link to Star System MatsLabel Cards print-n-play

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Discussions (2)
Customer avatar
Jason W July 31, 2024 4:39 pm UTC
I love these, they are SO fantastic. Is there any way we can get a color version without the starfield background? They are so gorgeous in color, and I'd love for them to pop off the table without all the ink!

(Also if you're thinking of getting the PDF bundle it's a no-brainer! Do it!)
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Jeff M July 31, 2024 10:48 pm UTC

Do you mean PDFs with color planets on a white background?
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Jason W July 31, 2024 11:33 pm UTC
I do! All the non-star color you use is fantastic. Essentially, I'm just asking you shut off the star layer haha! I think it's the perfect splash of color to keep it enticing, while saving my printer. These accents and colors are great, and enough to give the whole card character without printing the background.

Similarly, with the star map, I think you can leave the color on any accents, and just remove the star map. I printed all the record sheets in color, because that blue is perfect.

This work really is fantastic.
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Jeff M August 01, 2024 3:52 pm UTC
That could be possible, a printer-friendly color version. There are elements besides the star background that would need adjustment to make it work visually, so it would take a while to do the backlog of cards, but for future sets and decks I could start including them. I will see what I can do. Thanks for all the feedback!
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Jason W August 01, 2024 8:54 pm UTC
Thank you! Woohoo!
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Eddy T February 13, 2024 9:39 pm UTC
These look great! Is there a way to a get a bundle to get the whole 9 yards all at once?
Customer avatar
Jeff M February 14, 2024 8:12 am UTC
Thank you! Yes, I have just added a PDF Bundle for all titles. I can make a Print Bundle as well if desired.
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