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FlexTale FlexCrawl Tile Theme Pack DNG-01: Dungeon WallsClick to magnify
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FlexTale FlexCrawl Tile Theme Pack DNG-01: Dungeon Walls

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It is strongly suggested that you use this product with the FlexCrawl Toolkit

  • This Theme Pack is a set of 12 FlexCrawl Tiles organized around a visual, narrative, or adventure theme.
  • Each Theme Pack contains Theme-specific rules and content that is appropriate for its context.  For example, some offering pools in Divine Temples may grant a temporary blessing.
  • Each Tile comes with six distinct high-resolution image file versions to reflect a variety of uses and options.
  • Each Tile contains seven dynamic adventure content tables and dozens of dynamic content markers, used to powerfully and easily generate an infinite diversity of dynamic content with zero prep.

What's Included

Each FlexCrawl Theme Pack features:

  • 12 FlexCrawl Tiles, each with dozens of dynamic content options, usable in infinite combination. 
  • 72 high-resolution Tile image files, usable to print out for personal use, reference during a game session, or import into a Virtual Tabletop (VTT) for personal use.
  • Customized dynamic adventure content specific to this Theme.
  • System-neutral rules specific to adventures using the Tiles in this Theme Pack.
  • And much, much more!

FlexCrawl Summary

If you use maps in your roleplaying games, FlexCrawl will help make life easier and adventures more fun and diverse.

  • Map Tiles that fit seamlessly next to each other in any orientation, in any combination.
  • Tools to generate infinite adventure maps during the game session with zero prep time.
  • Endless variety with dozens of pieces of dynamic adventure content on each Tile.
  • Designed from the ground up to enable revolutionary, unexpected, exciting solo adventuring.
  • Create one-shot adventures, major locations, or even entire campaigns using the same tools and approach.
  • FlexCrawl will make your adventures easier to set up and run, more interesting, and more exciting, all with less work.

FlexCrawl Tiles

Each Tile comes in SIX different ultra-high-resolution flavors for use digitally, printed at home, or imported into the VTT of your choice for personal use.

The previews below include a shot from the Appendix describing and providing visual examples:

  • Player: No secrets or adventure content.
  • Secrets: Secret doors and passageways only.
  • Full: Color-coded dynamic content markers for all seven types of adventure content.
  • Player Ungridded: As above, but without the square grid overlay.  This makes it easier to use in some VTT systems, and so that you can use FlexCrawl Tiles with a custom scale (larger or smaller) if you wish.
  • Secrets Ungridded
  • Full Ungridded

Why Do You Care?

We didn't invent the concept of geomorphic maps--that is, map pieces that fit next to each other in various ways to form bigger maps.

But FlexCrawl takes this simple notion, puts it on steroids, and gives it the FlexTale approach to generating infinite content using a few tables and tools.

In short, any time you need a battle- or exploration-scale map for your tabletop roleplaying games, FlexCrawl is designed to provide easy, powerful tools to suit your needs with zero prep time.

Use FlexCrawl for:

  • Random Encounter Battlemaps
  • Location / Point of Interest Maps
  • One-Shot Adventures
  • Seamless Transitions Between Landscapes
  • Replace Hand-Drawn Maps
  • Standalone Quick, Fun Games
  • Solo Play


  • Any rules system.
  • Any gaming table.
  • Any campaign, either new or in progress.
  • Zero preparation.
  • Infinite possibilities.

The FlexTale Difference

The goal here is that if you have ten minutes, or ten weeks, to prepare for a game session, there's something in this book that will help you out enormously.

The FlexCrawl Toolkit features the FlexTale approach to gaming design: the content herein supports ANY set of PCs of ANY level, and scales accordingly.  No two adventures or quests are the same.

The majority of the book is system-agnostic, and can be used easily with any TTRPG system.  Some specific tools and elements contain rules language tailored to 5E, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Second Edition (P2E), OSR, and Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC).

FlexTale Integration

FlexCrawl can be used seamlessly with other FlexTale products like the Hexcrawl ToolkitFlexAI Guidebook, the Solo Adventuring Toolkit, and Infinite Adventures.

Dynamic Adventure Content

This is the thing that makes FlexCrawl so innovative and unique.  Seven categories of roleplaying adventure content are identified:

  1. Secrets: Secret passages and rooms.
  2. Obstacles: Doors, portcullises, piles of boulders, lava falls, barricades.
  3. Traps: Darts and arrows, poisoned needles, pit traps, revolving walls, gas emissions, crushing blocks.
  4. Encounters: Wandering monsters, lairs, ambushes, NPC encounters.
  5. Rewards: Treasure, maps, keys, renown, information, clues, rumors, temporary boons, insight.
  6. Quests: Starting new quests, advancing existing quests, connecting and progressing narratives.
  7. Exits: Trapdoors, caches, lairs, hideaways, prisons, basements, descents into new levels.

This book contains rules and sample results for each of these content types.

Every single Tile has dynamic content markers that make generating a handful, or even dozens, of pieces of content as simple as rolling a few six-sided dice.

Never the Same Map Twice

No Tile placed in your game map will be the same as any other Tile you place, even if the walls and corridors and chambers might look the same.  

You might place the same tile down twice in your game map, but one of them is teeming with monsters and traps, and the other is rife with treasure and opportunities.

Use the dynamic content generation tools for:

  • Solo Play
  • Zero-Prep Traditional Play
  • Planning Tool for Traditional Play
  • Random Encounter "Sprinkles"

The FlexCrawl Universe: Much More to Come!

This book is all you need to get started immediately with FlexCrawl.  Even with just this book and its accompanying diversity of Tiles, you can build infinite Dungeon adventures.

Plenty more FlexCrawl content and tools will be coming soon, however.  





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Darby M April 03, 2024 2:07 am UTC
Quick question, are there ungridded versions of the maps included?
Customer avatar
J. E April 03, 2024 10:24 am UTC
Yes! In fact there are three ungridded versions of each tile provided: player-redacted, secrets, and full dynamic adventure content. Each improvised in gridded and ungridded.
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File Last Updated:
June 24, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on January 29, 2024.