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Galaxy Builder Decks: Tech LevelsClick to magnify

Galaxy Builder Decks: Tech Levels

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Galaxy Builder Decks: Tech Levels are a set of 9 technology level cards for GMs and Worldbuilders to customize planetary cultures by the age of their development. Tech Level determines how a culture travels, communicates, and wages war in your universe. Each card details capabilities from the Stone Age up to the Galactic Age, with examples of technologies for each age, pip-based stats on possible world population sizes and influence ranges, and skills that inhabitants may have at each tech level. Pair with Planet and Planet Trait Decks in the series to quickly create scifi settings right on your table.

About Galaxy Builder Decks Series

Galaxy Builder Decks are a series of system-neutral cards for worldbuilders and GMs to quickly create scifi settings and cultures right on your table. Pair Planet cards with Planet Trait cards or unique locations and encounters. Each deck is designed to work with others in the series to help fully flesh out your galaxy.

Notable inspirations (Franchises): Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Alien, Firefly, Babylon 5, Elite Dangerous, Dune.
Notable inspirations (Games): Stellaris, Endless Space, Master of Orion, Starbound, Stars Without Number, Ironsworn Starforged..

Tech Level Cards

Tech Levels include:

  • 9x Tech Level Cards
    • 1x Stone Age
    • 1x Metal Age
    • 1x Scientific Age
    • 1x Industrial Age
    • 1x Machine Age
    • 1x Atomic Age
    • 1x Information Age
    • 1x Stellar Age
    • 1x Galactic Age
  • Color PDF of 9 US poker-sized Tech Level Cards, on sheets of 3x3 layout, front and back.
  • Printer-friendly PDF of 9 US poker-sized Tech Level Cards, on sheets of 3x3 layout, front and back.
  • 2 front and back cover cards for the print version include instructions on how to use the set.

Print-n-Play Version Includes:

  • Color version PDF - Front and Back sheets in 3x3 layout of US Poker-sized cards.
  • Printer-friendly version PDF - Front and Back sheets in 3x3 layout of US Poker-sized cards.

Tech Level pnp

Check Out Other Products Available In The Galaxy Builder Deck Series:

Product link for Planet CardsProduct link for Planet Traitssystems tuckboxProduct Link to Star System Mats

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File Last Updated:
January 17, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on January 17, 2024.