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Oversized Sandwich

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*Other components will be necessary to play this game.  You are receiving the deck, which is the main driver of the play, but some tokens to mark scoring and accessing a rulebook will be required*

The rulebook should be accessible underneath the cover image.

Oversized Sandwich was created for and debuted at the first ever Indie Games Night Market, which was held inside of 2024's PAX Unplugged.  Attendees/customers for this particular game received the "definitive edition" (and experience) of this particular product, which included the game, rules sheet, scoring tokens, and a personalized sandwich bag (technically at a cheaper price as well including shipping costs here, so this is also a plug to buy other cool games from the site to maximize shipping). 

This is all to say a few things:

  1. I wanted the product to be special for the event (and I think it was).
  2. Getting this deck will allow you to play the same game (and a few more I'm designing with the deck).
  3. Again, you'll need tokens and a rulebook to play this game.


Game Description:

Everybody has their favorite sandwich, except for you.
Merely thinking of going to the grocery store to buy the freshest ingredients induces an existential crisis.
Luckily, there’s a new, local sandwich shop that everyone has been raving about. It has a daily special, and all you have to do is to add a few toppings to make the sandwich more you, even if you’re not necessarily sure what that means.

In Oversized Sandwich, 2-4 players will play as competing indecisions within a singular indecisive person at a local sandwich shop. In this ladder-climbing-like game, players will play cards from their hands in a way that tries to match the listed order of ingredients for the sandwich of the day. The ingredients are putting in work as well, trying to tempt you to add them to your order with special powers that will activate either when played or once somebody completes an order. Once a sandwich has been created with eight or more ingredients, it’s time to check out…

But things still might not be right, so you’ll need to try again until at least one player has been able to designate enough conviction on their favorite ingredients. Once one player places at least five conviction markers, the game ends, and all players make sandwiches to see which version of the person they’re playing “wins.”

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14.89 MB
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File Last Updated:
November 10, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 19, 2024.
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