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Cthulhu Quest: Magus Cycle CardsClick to magnify

Cthulhu Quest: Magus Cycle Cards

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Cthultu Quest: Magus Cycle Cards presents cards found in the books, The Miskatonic Uprising, The Forest of Flesh, Lost Legion of Celephaïs, and Shards of the Dead Stone, as actual cards.

Cthulhu Quest, is a series of expansions for the HeroQuest Game System inspired by the cosmic horror crafted by American writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft. These adventure will test the Heroes, as they delve into a world that has been touched by madness and chaos.

In this card set are alternative ways to play the classic Barbarian, new type of spells that Wizards, Warlocks, and others can buy, new Monsters for Heroes to defeat, and four classes to play (all taken from books 1 to 4).

There are 55 unique cards in this set, with duplicates of equipment.

In order to use these cards, players will need a copy of the HeroQuest Game System and its official expansions.

Note: We have made use of AI Art in this product.

This set includes Cantrip Spells.

Cantrips are minor spell effects that Wizards and their ilk learn in the early years of study at university. They are not powerful, representing the first steps in a magic user’s development. Unlike other spells, Cantrips are class of spell purchased like equipment. Limited to the Wizard, Magus, Elf, Warlock, Rune Blade, and other Heroes restricted to using only Wizard equipment.

A Hero can only own a number of cantrips equal to their Mind Points. A Hero is free to sell any Cantrips they own, at half the cantrips original purchase price.

Some cantrips have ongoing effects, while others provide weak effects for the caster and allies. Given their very basic nature, a conjured item or ongoing effect from a Cantrip, will only last at most, for the duration of a quest. Magic used in these creations breaks down quickly, as a result conjured items have no gold value.

All Cantrips are extremely vulnerable to dispel effects. If any spell (from a friend or foe) is forced to be discarded by another player, prevented from being cast, or is stopped by someone other than the caster, any other ongoing cantrips in play are discarded as well.

If a Cantrip is dispelled specifically, not only is the effect stopped, the Cantrip is permanently lost by the caster (remove the item from the Heroes items). All other cantrips are discarded as normal. A caster is free to purchase the Cantrip again between quests.

As Cantrips are both Spells and Equipment, they are subject to abilities (including spells) that target either. Cantrips can be dispelled, copied, or stolen by abilities that target spells. As the Cantrip spell is considered equipment, they can be dropped, destroyed, or stolen by abilities that target equipment as well. Items created by Cantrips, are themselves not considered equipment.

Whenever the Caster loses control of a Cantrip (including when another model creates a copy of a Cantrip), the Cantrip is immediately lost as if it had been targeted by a dispel effect. Any ongoing effects will be removed from play as well. A copied Cantrip will immediately fail.

Some Cantrips require the caster to pay Mind Points to be able to use them. This means the caster suffers one or more Mind Points in damage, before the Cantrip is cast. If the Cantrip is dispelled, the caster will still suffer the Mind Points damage.

Cthulhu Quest

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File Last Updated:
November 23, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 26, 2024.