I absolutely love this guide. It does a great job reskinning the core classes, and does an exceptional job with the ranger and bard counterparts. I really feel the Scouts abilities should have been the ranger for the official 5e rulebooks, and provides a well balanced non-magic version to the ranger. The bards counterpart, the Shepard, Does a great job at converting a full level caster to a non-casting class. For player characters, this is a great way to play a charismatic based character without having to be a spell slinging, flute piping, lute strumming, song singing bard. Not that the bard was ever a bad class in 5e. It was just that, I felt the core book did not have enough martial classes, and this class guide really delivers.
The only thing that bugs me, and its my own personal quirk so don't let it discourage you from buying this amazing product, is that it was creating using landscape format. I mean if you used page view, it would be a lot easier for phone users to use. It would also be better for producing printed rulebooks.
I rate this product 10/10 star bottlecaps.Totally worth it. May I see you wastelanders in valhalla!!!