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Pocket Apache
by William G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/28/2019 19:25:29

A challenging game for only eight cards and a four by four grid. My fist game was a total loss four squares in with more enemy forces than missles. Shot down over the target. Second game was a walk through the park. Entered one side of the board and exited the other side with no damage. The board arrangement is never the same due to the eight cards and the rotation of the card when designing the playing field. The rules are easy to understand, and you can be playing in minutes. I can see a co-operative game between two players attacking the target and then clearing the board. Pocket Apache has earned its spot on the desk as a go to game for a quit gaming fix.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pocket Apache
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Non Gratus Rodentum: A solitaire dungeon crawl inspired by the tunnel rats in Vietnam
by Travis R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/27/2018 11:06:57

It doesn't matter how many times I play it. Everytime it's a different set of challenges. I've had to train myself to stop deciding my strategy based on my last play because there is a crazy variety of situations.

All the rules were laid of clearly and I was able to get into it quickly. It's been a lot of fun. I've been building pieces to play the game faster. The cover doesn't do this game justice but all the internals are great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Non Gratus Rodentum: A solitaire dungeon crawl inspired by the tunnel rats in Vietnam
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Star Patrol Micro
by William G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/04/2017 20:48:59

A very challenging game for a single page microgame. I ran four patrols, and I was only able to finish one patrol with my ship intack. The rules are simple to learn, but you will need to strategize on when to fight and when to run. If you can run. On some patrols you wish you had a few more missles.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Star Patrol Micro
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Creator Reply:
One thing I'd recommend is letting your shield take hits to save missiles when possible, even sometimes taking hull damage is advantages. You can often utilize focused fire to defeat an enemy while the rest ping your shields. That damage will be ignored after the end of combat. I try to save my missiles for carriers or the occasional wave of bombers. The missiles are powerful and tend to be a last choice for my patrols. But sometimes the dice are unforgiving and patrols can throw too much at you. Worst case, you can try taking a couple of the upgrades from the campaign to start with more.
Star Patrol Micro
by Travis R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/01/2017 10:55:59

This game was super addictive.

The rules were easy to get into and it was well balanced. I was surprised how deep the strategies actually went. One second I'm thinking I've got it down and the next I'm neck deep in new ideas.

It was fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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