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Black Spirits: Combat Cards
by Yves M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/29/2024 05:45:50

Better than expected - its not only that you now HAVE control about your damage and defense, its even a little bit like Gloomhaven, as your hand deck gets thinner and thinner, before you´ re allowed to redraw a new hand deck. You always keep the whole deck, so in the end you reshuffle all played cards and form a new deck to draw your hand cards from, thus you wont get weaker like in Gloomhaven - but temporarily you WILL get weaker and have to think well about your options you must live with for a couple of combat rounds.

Finally, the game IS about combat mastery like the video game. Ingenious!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Spirits: Combat Cards
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