Great fun for the Mad Max in every gamer! Movement is card-based, somewhat similar to Wings of War/Glory. Weapons fire is decided with dice and attributes. A good fun game.
Creator Reply: |
Glad you are enjoying the game! |
Thanks for giving Outrider a spin! I\'m glad you\'re enjoying the game. |
It's a great and easy game. Price also very good.I'm glad to purchased it. Me and my son had good time with it.
Creator Reply: |
I hope you and your son are enjoying it! Over the years of taking the game to demos/cons, I have come to realize that it is a great game to intro kids into tactical/skirmish gaming. Kids \'Get\' this game very quickly. |
Great product to go with Outrider if you are using miniature (i.e. Hot Wheel, Matchbox) cars. Well thought out. Our group takes hard clear plastic card protectors, glues the cars to the protectors and with the blanks we can swap out the type of car being used. Works great.
This is a nice game of vehicle mayhem. You build a track with tiles and everywhere not covered by roads counts as off-road/rough terrain. Really fun and fast to play, even solo. The dashboards also add to the game (sure you could write down vehicle stats in a piece of paper, but you lose some ambience.)
I found Outrider to fully meet my high expectations. The game really captures the feel of the genre, and there is a large element of tactical descision. The dice mechanic is simple and straightforward, but my favorite is the manuver card based movement system.
No, actualy that is not my favorite part. My favorite part is thinking about the devastation I'm going to render upon the toy car aisle of the local megamart, since the game is designed so that ordinary toy cars (1/64 scale) may be used for models for it.
Anyway the movement system is simple and fun, even when (or especially when) you blow the control roll. The cars are designed at time of play by allocating dice of four sizes among the car's attributes, just about making each time you play a whole new thing, assuming you move the dice around to try new combinations.
In the PDF comes the rules, the cards and tokens for game play and the 2d map tiles. All of the components are well drawn and well designed and the book, only twenty pages, is very well laid out and edited. If I had any complaint at all it would be that the game is rather ink thirsty, but mostly that's my printer's fault. The components are quite easy to assemble and look fantastic when all put together.
Reminds me of the fun I had as a kid playing similarly themed games. My eight year old had no trouble getting the rules, and he got right into the spirit of the game. Point being it's easy and fun enough for a child to get it while offering complexity enough for the big kids like me. He wants to play again and so do I.
As my boy said, "It is awesome."
I've been on the lookout for a vehicle game for some time and the system sounded really different. I kinda like the card maneuver system and the aspect of giving each card one of the four dices D6, D8, D10 and D12 to Weapons, Armor, Driver and Engine. Simple and works perfect.
Giving us roads, cars, cards and counters as print out works perfect event though you will have to fold some of the smaller parts. We laminated everything.
A great game. Looking forward to more rules, vehicles and the like.
I have written a AAR you can read here: http://www.twins4ever.dk/cougarscorner/index.php?/topic/2420-outrider-aar/
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for posting the great turn-by-turn session report. For those who would like to get a feel for how the game flows, I recommend you check it out. |
Good little tabletop game that plays quick and can be ultra-portable. Play reminds me of Wings of War (on wheels), but it has some quirks that make it unique. I am looking forward to more vehicle types.
Creator Reply: |
The Wings of War comparison is a good place to start, but to be clear, it is not the same system. As far as cars go, I can guaratee there will be more :) |
Outrider |
by Ian T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/08/2011 22:50:56 |
Plays like a light RPG with a post-apocalyptic setting. This base game is highly expandable. Plus it's refreshing to experience how every car can "Drive" differently.
Great Carmageddon meets Scorched Earth battle game with unlimited scenarios and an open world to duke it out in. Loved the ability to modify each vehicle at the start with various dice picks and change up each game so no scenario plays out the same way twice. Now the guys and I take turns coming up with new battles or stories to re-enact.
Outrider |
by Kim V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2011 06:21:49 |
A fun beer & pretzels game of post apocalyptic car battles. The rules are easy to understand and the components easy to produce.
Excellent value for the price.